
This game continues to make me want to buy a PS3.

That looks like it's about 3/4 of an inch think with the hump. No thanks.

@Jimmy_Jazz: It's useful if you are playing doubles or working closely with your team (or one other person).

@DocSeuss: Do you realize that by claiming that something isn't as cool because it has gotten more popular, you're actually outing yourself as being exactly the same as one of those 'indie guys?'

@AlbernKinza: I can't pretend I'm immune to being annoyed or disgusted by the invention of some new words, like 'frenemies.' After all, I was an English major.

@Chirotera: I wouldn't have a problem with that, but he's doing more than just giving it deeper thought. He's being condescending and overly dramatic.

@AlbernKinza: Plenty of words you use today were probably regarded with that exact condescension at some point in the past.

@AlbernKinza: There are plenty of arguments to be made that there is no such thing as detrimental changes to a language.

I get frustrated with this kind of reasoning, because it's essentially just an excuse to be pedantic.

@deny-everything: Yeah, Bungie, the ones who revolutionized console gaming and set the console multiplayer standard that most games now follow? The ones who had a Theater mode in Halo 3 three years ago - something other games still don't have?

@Nightshift Nurse: You may not like Gears, but you have to admit that there wasn't really a game like it when it came out. Sure, the cover mechanic is all over the place now, but it wasn't all that common back in 2006.

I hate to be that guy, but isn't it a little ridiculous that his hasn't been corrected after 20 minutes, let alone having been posted in the first place?

I can't watch the video right now, but does it include Zephram Cochrane?

@Culebra: I encountered something last night that was one of the most offensive things I've ever heard on XBL.

I'm pretty sure it's Winona, not Winnona. #corrections

@-MasterDex-: I have to say that I disagree with some of your criticisms of the multiplayer, but you are not one of the people who I was talking about. Your reasons for disliking Halo are reasonable and based on your own preferences. I feel like there are a lot of people who hate Halo just because it's Halo.

People hate Halo games because of the fans, and because it's everywhere. It's the same reason that Call of Duty is on everyone's shit list now.