Hate to break it to you, but games are programmed on... *gasp* a computer!
Hate to break it to you, but games are programmed on... *gasp* a computer!
Watching Netflix in glorious 480P!
Crysis 2 and DA:2 are both prime examples of what happens when you cater to the console crowd. They both sucked. In that case it's not about living up to expectations. It's about making a decent game. If those games had come out exclusively on PC, they still would have been viewed as lackluster.
I was actually laughing until I read this post. Thank for killing it with your unfunniness.
If only they could put this much time into making it a good game...
Is that you, Stanley Woo?
It's a shame we don't have any big MMO developers making games a-la Ultima Online. Still my fondest gaming memories. The MMO market is getting oversaturated with games trying to play off of WoW's success, and I suspect Titan will do the same.
I have no qualms with U-Verse, honestly. I'm assuming that falls under ATT?
@Interstella5555: Kotaku just happens to be the lesser of two evils. It still sucks no matter which way you look at it.
This article is ridiculous.
Look at all that wasted money sitting on that desk.
@KamboleFTW: Well Morrowind was about a good 150 for me. I had multiple playthroughs but my main one was around 150. Fallout 3 had about 200 hours, and that was just on the 360. When I finally got a gaming rig it was a whole new world for the game.
@Ken: Investing more money... that's the common misconception. I payed 500 bucks for my gaming rig a couple years ago.
At first glance I thought that was a chode sculpted out of meat by someone with a very dirty mind.
New Vegas beats all of these, mainly for the fact that RDR got old after a while and Mass Effect 2, well, was worse than the first one to put it lightly.
@KamboleFTW: You've played a 20 hour game six times, I've played a 200 hour game once.
@cwbys21: Why would I take it personally? Other than the fact that it made my eyes bleed, of course.
@Biokinetica: Besides being offensively unfunny as a comic, that little threat probably didn't help.
@tyrannotaur: I realize this is a videogame blog, but c'mon. We don't need to take the nerdiness that far.
@Codman24: First of all, this is probably the least funny webcomic of all time. Bum Tickley is a 2bit hack.