@TacDrol: Except dwarf fortress is infinitely deeper in gameplay mechanics and a much better game overall once you learn the mechanics.
@TacDrol: Except dwarf fortress is infinitely deeper in gameplay mechanics and a much better game overall once you learn the mechanics.
@bakana: That sad thing is that the Xbox vanilla TF2 is probably leagues better than the shit Valve is putting out these days.
@Harlekin: SO FUNNY LOL
In other recent news, Lincoln's been shot.
@tatermoog: Not really...
@PuppyT: You have waaaaay too much time on your hands, buddy. It's a game.
@Pious_Martyr: Except when the supposedly nerfed them, they fucked even more shit up.
@Grimwolf: I'd much rather play World at War or BLOPS than that piece of shit MW2.
@ihaveascreenname: Hey, I've talked to people who actually think like that. You never know.
@ihaveascreenname: I can't tell if this is sarcasm or pure stupidity. In both posts.
I had fun with this while I played. I absolutely loved that the expansions were given away free with subscription. Technically, it's not free, but it's better than the 50 dollars on top of the 15 bucks a month. Of course this was back when it was P2P.
That screenshot looks like a normal day of Just Cause 2
@stikkbomber: You haven't played Red Orchestra.
Is this really an article? People have known this since videogames came into existence.
@DeadlyWhispers: If you have to explain the joke, any humor in it is usually gone by the time the explanation is over.
Holy Christ this is old. Let's go, Slowtaku, we're approaching 2011 here.
Basically the question is asking whether or not it's ok to have an opinion.
I've been waiting for Nidhogg since I first saw it some months ago.