Darth Egregious

both Boebert and Greene pitched themselves as a sort of rightwing Republican answer to the Squad

Was just coming here to say this. NO ONE should still be serving in Congress at nearly 90 years old.

They should! When the Black Panthers were publicly carrying guns in the late 60s in California it was Governor Ronald Reagan, Republicans, and the NRA who all supported a law banning open carry. Perhaps if the Squad joins these QAnon psychos we might get some actual gun control laws.

It’s like DC is some sort of... wet... soggy ground... where bugs, and rats, and frogs and other such things reside. But... no. That can’t be. It got cleaned up!

She is 87.5 years old. She has been serving in the Senate going on 28 years.

Ammo belts and AKs?

I mean, what’s she so afraid of? Everybody knows the people in Congress only rob poor people.

The only way to move the country left is to move sightly to the right and pretend that the left didn’t exist! Also, **claps and tears paper**

White women coming through with that big gun/little dick energy.

Here’s hoping there’s some sort of incident in the ladies’ bathroom where these two idiots get spooked by their own reflections and end up shooting each other. 

 I would really love it if all members of the squad did.

They wanted to be told no so they could complain.

“This was a private discussion and inquiry about what the rules are, and as a result the Congresswoman-Elect won’t be going on the record,” Boebert aide Laura Carno said in an email last week.

“Not only do I support members of Congress carrying a firearm, I believe every American has that right.”

The incipient massive economic Depression will be begging to differ.

Baby steps maybe...

Not gonna lie so did I.

Same. I should know by now to not make such positive assumptions.

Silly me. I saw the headline and briefly hoped She was stepping down from the Senate.

The reason why the GOP is still a viable and thriving political party is because they know that they have to pretend to care about the needs of their base during the off seasons. They yell about abortions etc during the off years while the Dems only start caring about certain populations a year before presidential