Darth Egregious

I read this to my co-worker and we’re both laughing our asses off!

I haven’t had a chance to read anything but the headline, yet. However, I had to say that I was thinking the exact same thing!

Apparently, his campaign has already created T-shirts.

Yep, just as I expected. He wants to create all the drama, and attention he can get. Like an emotional vampire, he needs that constant fix. *eyeroll*

My preference would be for him to be locked up in solitary confinement until his court date, or at least, no social media because the lack of attention would kill him.

“The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery,”

Thank you SO much for posting this. I find it extremely offensive that anyone touting that they are a “Patriot” wears clothing representing the U.S. flag.

Captain Marvel was going to be my response, as well. Thanks!


Force-choking Jedi?


I’ll give it a shot, if it doesn’t have lint. I hate that.

I’m not surprised at all. I voted for Biden because he wasn’t the Orange Troll. I have always said that Biden is a Democrat with an (R) after his name. He is more concerned with corporations than he is about Social Programs. I have hopes that we have someone better running for 2024, but I’m not going to get my hopes

I love the god Anansi. I can’t wait to see this!

The “statue” Steven talks to is one of those Statue Actors. In the second episode, there is a close-up of the actor’s face and you can see that he has red-rimmed eyes (possibly from the makeup).

I still don’t understand all the drama over alopecia aireata. Millions of people have it. Hell, after discovering the medical definition, the majority of men over 35 have it, including myself. The translation for the condition is “pattern baldness.” It also affects the finger nails. If you have pattern baldness or

If I recall correctly, when it comes to Spacey and Clinton they were all 18 y.o. or older. And in Spacey’s case, the accuser dismissed the claim.

I was initially surprised that his photographing random High School students wasn’t included in the arrest, but then I remembered that this was Florida.

There’s already talk in the media that Biden should Pardon Trump. I was SO disgusted by the caption, that I didn’t bother to read the article.

Nope, I learned a lot. And, I agree. Both groups of “Liberals” (yours and mine) should do what is legal. My group can expand the Supreme Court should we win the Legislative and Executive Branch, as well as pass any laws we deem legal, once we “pack” the court. :)