
you either believe (in God, Jesus, what’s written in the Bible) or you don’t. You can’t pick elements of the faith that you agree or disagree with and still call yourself a true believer. Denzel is a self-professed long-time evangelical Christian, this is no secret in Hollywood.  His arrogance and holier-than-thou

Sitting in a courtroom for hours on end, not to mention the depositions, endless Zoom conferences, and of course the Hollywood-lawyer-sized bills .. probably the extreme last resort for Grohl and Partners. Surely this guy is out of money, and his Saul Goodman attorney is working on contingency and is convinced he

Was this the Joker or an actor playing Jim Carrey’s impersonation of the Joker ?

You’ve got a way with words, I’ll give you that ;) but here you are changing details to suit your argument. OP didn’t say he was grabbed or held against his will while being so rudely sniffed; the women simply “leaned-in”. This doesn’t quite rise to the level of assault or imprisonment you are claiming.  

Haha .. No, I just find find irony in people that act in certain ways to get attention (wear smelly perfume to provoke reaction from another person) and then complain when the attention they get isn’t *exactly how they expected* to receive it (compliments from people other than the wife).

LOL ! me too friend, me too .. I was studying the photograph and thinking “welp, I guess that kinda looks like Billy Sheehan if he cut off all his hair”.

So how do YOU distinguish between a compliment and a sexual jeer (catcall) ? Does your permission need to be sought first ?

Thanks a lot ! Why didn’t you label your comment with a trigger warning ???

“..was more than happy to shill for Trump until he got axed”

Where is all the video evidence that Epstein & Company had on the powerful and wealthy carousing and fornicating with teenage girls ? I know these stuff wouldn’t make headlines in France or Italy where 15/16 is age of consent but where is the goddamn evidence that would damn His Lordship ? The Feds surely have it

Women have breasts. Some women have big ones. Nearly everyone (male and female) appreciates a nice cleavage.  Get over yourself.

why do you think she is the #1 Twitch streamer ? Seriously asking.

what vile viewpoints does CDPR espouse ?  I don’t see anything offensive on their website or marketing.

Fire the whole lot of them, prostrate and beg loudly for Dave Brevnik and the original Blizzard North team to come back (yeah, the studio that made Diablo & Diablo 2) and install women in all the key management positions - maybe then we’ll get a decent game from Blizzard again.

True that.. i bet her contract was signed long before COVID was a cough in Bob Iger’s chest.

well, not really. “Nightmares” is set decades before “The Witcher, waaay before he got old and fat and gray.

For a moment when I opened this article I thought it was Christian Bale as John Connor in that first photo !

The gripe wasn’t how bad the film flopped at the cinemas, it was how poorly the film was conceived, written, and executed - indeed, the entire sequel trilogy was. Plenty of videos on youtube of Mark Hamill, George Lucas, and original production vets discussing their dissatisfaction with the sequels. Disney’s grand

I used to think marijuana, mushrooms, and LSD elevated my consciousness into states of great profundity and spiritual revelation. I realized later on those chemicals alter and reduce the capacity to process information; in effect, they made me stupid.

Yeah that’s mind-boggling. It’s hard to imagine that not a single detective or investigator thought to do this.. it’s as though they manufactured an opportunity to satisfy the urge to “go Rambo” on this poor lady.