
the editorial style is purposely divisive and meant to push people into little Us vs Them forms. No matter how benign and irrelevant the subject is - they’ll find a way to stoke division, enrage and upset. Kinda like Fox News Corp. 

is Elliot related to Ellen Page ?

I was surprised to see whoever was taking the video was standing on the bridge while this was happening.. I was half-expecting a piece of rebar or iron under tension to suddenly be flung at high speed and impale the videographer.

Too bard Nissan cars aren’t as reliable as their trucks.. My 2007 Altima (1st year of 4th generation) 2.5L engine failed at 130K miles due to a bad cylinder (took 3 consecutive repairs to fully diagnose properly. I see so many 4th gen Altimas as well as Infiniti G35/37 selling cheaply w/ less than 150K on the used

and I wonder how much tax he’s been avoiding since forming his “church”, with the blessing of Grifter-In-Chief Donald Turdnip ?

When we observe a volcano erupting from hundreds of miles away the ejecta and plume appear to be moving very, very slowly when on the scene things are moving much faster than we can comprehend. This is due to the enormity of scale. To a gnat, our human figures very likely appear to move quite slowly too. No idea how

now you know commoners used to be executed for saying that, right ?

England didn’t keep planting Union Jacks in the U.S.A. and whining about losing did they ?  (an argument could be made that history has shown that they ultimately won, anyway)

I was at college when the LA riots kicked off and remember it well. CA Gov and Bush absolutely were justified in sending in troops.. while the rioting following the George Floyd protests might be larger in scope, considering the different cities involved, there is no comparison in civilian deaths, personal property

Come on now Ms. Alford , surely you remember the LA Riots took place in neighborhoods not just shopping districts; people’s homes were burned down and more than 60 people killed. Koreatown was razed to the ground. That was the seriousness Bush faced - civilians, children were being shot in the street. It made the

“..handled by a property manager” . This why the property owner hadn’t spoke to the renter prior to seeing him and his home on the evening news. 

no more or less a fantasy than the rioters and looters believing they’re improving their situation or lot in life.

What an ignorant statement.  To people living in project housing, my neighborhood might seem “rich”, but I assure you my income is well below 6 figures.. any looters threatening me or my family with violence on my property will learn the difference between life and death (if only for a brief moment).  The idiots

is it still 720p though ?

so the people who end up hanging out all day are the people who can’t afford a decent gaming rig or a computer at all ?  Not exactly the customer base that will save Gamestop’s descent into oblivion.

its called paranoia .. its real and a condition many Americans have thanks to decades of programming.

Editorial stroke of genius including that gem of a Deadwood clip ... now you’ve got me wanting to rewatch the series !

that shot of the spaceship above Earth looks awesome.. 

I’d pay $20 to see it. Up close of course.

obviously you didn’t drink enough...