The ratings dumpster fire that passes for SNL now needs DC a helluva lot more than he needs them. Quite a charitable chap, he is.
The ratings dumpster fire that passes for SNL now needs DC a helluva lot more than he needs them. Quite a charitable chap, he is.
If by #vanlife you mean people who are giving up their house/apartment and living 100% out of a van, maybe. That’s always been a small segment of the market and really only made possible and popular by social media, where people can actually make a living by being #vanlife influencers. I’m not sure what the future…
This is a horrible story. One sort of kind of silver lining - a GoFundMe established to pay her restitution and tuition raised almost $200K in one day:
Actually he flip-plagiarized a George Carlin joke.
“Why is it the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t fuck in the first place?”
Not excusing this shit but this is why you use parental controls. Back years ago my wife and I had a fight about them. She hates when using electronics is “complicated” so she fought me on setting them up when our son first got his phone because “We trust him”(note: I didn’t). We ended up with a bill for a couple…
Mystified by the grading. This was the worst episode yet by far, while last week’s was the best.
That just shows that, regardless of where you happen to come down on the issue of “defund/abolish the police” irrespective of the mass shootings—neither more nor less police are going to entirely prevent these things from happening; though I still argue that you need some armed representative of the state to actually…
I am not kook though. I am not going to any field or sky scraper, I am not gonna take joy in it; just accepting that we deserve it.
On the other hand, she could have nipped all this in the bud by aborting that fetus
That’s how it starts, with a single dollar bill. But soon, that’s not enough. You can’t get it up for anything less than a twenty, then a hundred. Finally you’re so jaded that you end up getting into the real kinky stuff, like crypto.
Two things can be true. Denzel can be a huge asshole. But he can also be a huge asshole who has experienced so many basic white women acting like even worse assholes that they no longer stand out.
Haha hey fuck you :D
When I saw the headline, I thought you were talking about Mr. Big, the ‘80s band.
I can tell you that if you don’t owe anyone any money, and haven’t for a couple decades, your credit score is really low. Seems counter intuitive to me, since what we’ve demonstrated over the last couple decades is the ability to not only live within our means, but under it. I’ve always heard that’s what you should…
This is a good place to start-
Because people are encouraged to take on more credit so they can raise their score. The rise of easy credit is a HUGE part of the lack of rise in real wages over the past 40 years. Credit companies loan us money so we don’t need to get raises, then they make money off of us purchasing everyday items. Also the means of…
No, it’s bad. In absolute financial terms, buying a car is bad because it’s a negative asset. If you need a car to get around then it’s a fiscal liability you need to mitigate. Even if you never get charged a penny of interest on that eighty grand, you are still out way more than eighty grand (you still have to insure…
Sad part is, it’s actually a good game, it’s just not what people were expecting. After putting 20-odd hours into The Ascent, I reinstalled CP2077 and have been having a blast with it.
There is a big difference between writing your own work on your own time and on your own dime and doing work for hire.