
Did she go “all the way” though ?  Did she show off her clam under the disco lights ?

My apologies, you are correct: the Lourve is indeed the largest Museum building in the World.

French women had to wait another 15-20 years after British and American women got the right-to-vote. So did Italian women. Two World Wars were fought on the continent (France arguably suffering the worst occupation after Poland) and this may have affected the impact of women’s suffrage. 

great post. Nitpicking but important, IMO: The Lourve is indeed the world’s largest art museum, but not the largest museum in general. In fact, the building itself would be dwarfed by at least a dozen other museum buildings.

no it goes back much further to American Puritanism which we never really outgrew.  In many US States, a child under the age of 14 can be tried for capital murder [as an adult], yet we still do not recognize sexual consent for the same age child.  

naw, you need to double, triple, maybe quadruple the number of reported deaths to date.  Remember this is China we’re dealing with, and like the other (formerly) Communist nation, lying about the severity or even existence of serious health concerns, are a political reality.  

Used to be such a fan.. saw him a few times in Knoxville back in the late 80's-early 90's. I was barely 17 at my first Danzig show and my friend, who worked as a radio DJ, got us back stage to all the good rock\metal gigs(which was really the parking lot behind the theater, since they never were mainstream enough to

What argument did Bernie make ? Even if he did say “A Woman Can’t be President” that’s not an argument, it’s a statement, however true or false. Both are desperate to cinch the nomination or at least play contender to Biden, and they or their proxies will do just about anything for it.

So was Han a “force ghost” ? I don’t think so because he wasn’t blue and shimmery.  But he wasn’t an apparition either - he looked flesh and blood.  Or was it just Kylo having a fantasy moment ?   It’s as if Disney wanted this scene so badly, but couldn’t figure out how to make sense - so they just said fuck it, let

WTF ?? By your logic you would advocate physical violence on judges if the district attorney fails to get a conviction for the criminal’s action !!  What this “Dad” did wasn’t justice by any definition or stretch of imagination.

yeah what an asshat. Judging from this comment section most readers seem to think the guy he attacked was the actual rapist.

Justice ? the guy he beat with a baseball bat WAS NOT the guy who allegedly raped his daughter ! He was the university provost assigned to the case.  

So I guess Disney is keeping Mark Hamill sequestered at his home for this publicity tour ?   They don’t want him being “candid” about these films, again.


I would love to peek at Kanye’s 2019 tax returns and see if he’s filing tax exemptions for all the millions he’s made selling tix and merch for his so-called “Sunday Services”

Its not necessarily the cocaine habit that’s expensive, but the poor decisions that result from its abuse

Are you confused ? The story is about Hunter Biden, who is NOT a politician or seeking political office.  His father is Vice President Joe Biden who served during the Obama Presidency.

Those incels at 8chan must be howling in agony.  Good.

Agreed. But going by this demo review, D4 sure sounds a lot like D3. What I despised the most about Diablo 3 was what Blizzard did to the character progression system. Removing specialization and hard forks from class Skill Trees just gutted the charm and difficulty of the game. The dev bragging about **all

there’s no such thing as a bad television.. on HBO.