
Disney announced two weeks ago that Rian Johnson’s SW films no longer were priority and D&B’s new trilogy are coming next. D&B probably got the call about the reshuffle from Disney as they entered post-production on Season 7 (shortly after TLJ released to fandom outrage). The controversy of The Last Jedi has to be the

“mostly laundry baskets and things..” LOL !

reality or fantasy largely depends on the taxpayer base of your neighborhood.

Hmm.. You know, I bet all it took to put Graham in Trump’s pocket was Trump asking Graham if he really wanted to get in a pissing match and have Trump publicly questioning his sexuality day in and day out.

Graham confided his Above Top Secret homosexuality in McCain. Somehow, God Only Knows How, Trump came into possession of evidence capturing Graham and a young manboy en flagrante delicto. The rest is history.

I’m wondering if HBO is going to capitalize on this and go deep on the WW in the next series ?

Hoping that if ASOIAF does get the remake treatment, years down the road, it’s not crammed into a movie trilogy... an Amazon mega-series with a $10B budget ought to do it nicely.

There’s a scene where they cuddled and petted and rolled around on the ground, but it got left on the cutting room floor.  Maybe we’ll see it on BluRay.

It’s the best way the writers can get him back to Kings Landing for the inevitable poetic justice that’s coming. Jaime’s decided to take responsibility for all his bad actions and go down with the ship(Cersei), like a good commander.  

If the relations are good-looking and well-built, I don’t mind watching a bit of incest.

Isn’t it ironic that when presented with jury duty people are panicking over how to get out of it ?

because District Attorney is an elected official and elected officials campaign on their results and more “results” aka convictions equals re-election.  Minorities are easy-pickings because they more often can’t afford proper legal defense and the public defenders are usually recent law-school grads gunning for that

agreed. Jaime throughout his arc, has been “family first”. I just don’t see him executing Cersei, even if the act would save every innocent life in Westeros, no matter how “knightly” he has become.   If he is involved in her death scene,  they both will die through his lack of action.  Kind of like a suicide pact.

“Where the hell did you come from?!” The Lannister guards at Harrenhal must have thought the same thing as Jaquen H’gar executed them so Arya & Co. could escape. Arya turned blind in the House of Black & White after seeing her own face on display. The Faceless Men aren’t just assassins, they are magical too.

The books make mention of young Arya exploring every nook and cranny of Winterfell and its crypts. It’s not beyond reason that adult Arya, filled with divine-purpose upon realizing she was meant to kill the Night King, took a hidden or shadowy passage to the Godswood to wait for her moment to strike.  

Valar morghulis !

Winterfell is on a hill. Look at the First episode from Season 1. Robert’s retinue approached from the south. Winterfell hadn’t been attacked from a northerly approach in thousands(?) of years. At least, not since the Wall was built. The Southern kingdoms had never invaded the North in all of Westeros history. They

Damn she has a rockin’ set of legs !

“..pixels..”.  Exactly.  Not film, not eyewitness. Pixels on a computer screen.

These videos have all been extensively debunked by former test pilots and Radeon engineers. What most of the recent videos show isn’t standard analog film - they are digital images from FLIR cameras (Forward-Looking InfraRed). These cameras are gimbal-mounted and its computer system does its best to compensate for