
Thanks for sharing.. I hadn’t heard of Turner until now.  How does Michael Vincent rank among cardists ? 

Eh.. its still NAFTA - Trump just wanted the name changed.  Anything to distract from the trainwreck that was last week and weekend.

and Dershowitz got caught screwing around with teenage boys also.. it was swept under the rug in the 90's but a quick google search will dredge it all back up.

One of Trump’s buddies at Fox News is probably sitting on a tape of Dershowitz diddling another teenage boy. That’s why he’s been so busy on Fox defending Trump as if he’s rehearsing trial day at the Supreme Court.

Jack, the Press is only holding Trump to the same standard that he applies to everyone else (Flag & Military worship etc). The point of the questions is to give Trump (yet) another (failed) opportunity to make a statement about McCain’s service to the nation and people.  Also, what in the 9 Hells is going on with

Isn’t her character is a biochemist-something ?  People like that are way too smart to believe in the anti-immunization crap.

Well, yeah she shouldn’t have. If she had waited 10 months when he turned 18 she wouldn’t be in this situation. She’s paying for it now. Of course she lied about what happened when the press contacted her. Can’t blame her for not wanting to incriminate herself to a felony sex crime. Now that someone ratted her out

I just have a hard time buying it. The social media flirting that continued in the years after the hotel room encounter almost up to the start of #MeToo and the Weinstein payoffs stories hit the press.  Then his lawyers ask Argento for half a million dollars.  

The kid had an Oedipus Complex , hooked up with her at 17 , got a great blow job and cowgirl ride, and got selfies to prove to his buddies that it all really happened.  Then, his career stalled, the work dried up .. the hanger-ons in his life looked for someone to blame.. SExy momma and her millionaire chef boyfriend

The movie       seemed      sooooo real !  The kid must really have been abused by the actors on the set .. probably - they weren’t acting !!!  They really were abusing the kid and doing drugs on set .. Hell, thats all they do in Hollywierd anyway (do drugs and fornicate with children) !  

Do you expect her to confess to the Press that she committed a felony ? Of course she’s going to deny it. Wouldn’t you ? I damn sure would .. the only person that’s going to hear my confession before my day in court is my lawyer !

oh come on... that 17 yr old is wearing an expression of “yeah I just got laid”. I’m a guy and my first time wasn’t with another virgin, it was with an older woman (yes I was 17 also) .. believe me it was a moment I’d been dreaming of since puberty and finding the neighbor’s stash of Penthouse mags. This “kid” and his

I know its illegal what she did but a 17 year old ? I get the ethical outrage but I’m not morally shocked. It wasn’t long ago when people were married at 15.. even now plenty of girls happily start their family at this age. I smell extortion on his part (he doesn’t look particularly violated or shocked in the

The vast majority of the USA is undeveloped once you get West of Memphis, TN. Mere counties of western states like New Mexico and Nevada are larger than some of the eastern states. There is much about the early colonial history of the Southwest US that is a mystery, even today.

“Most articles allow anyone to make changes or updates to them” .. erm, yeah, that’s how a Wiki (and science) works, dude..”

“to donate free dental work...” bwahahah ha ha ..

Jeezus - the Nvidia fanboy army is on parade formation !

Except that didnt happen. Fox News was not “kicked out” or barred from any WH Press briefing. This oft-repeated claim was spread by right-wing tea partiers and apparently still in the public consciousness.

The unwritten purpose of this law is to steer scrutiny away from police or “lawful defender” that kills a perp and redirect it onto the defendant (s). It was legislated as a deterrence but resulted in ridiculous circumstances where a homeowner can shoot someone dead for committing a non-violent crime and forcing their

All aboard the Fame Train, baby ! Keep riding ‘till they kick you off ...