
I’m a guy and the “extreme” rough porn where girls are literally choking to death and engaging in the stuff described in this article just disgust me. Gagging on a penis to the point of vomiting or suffocating panic cannot be a healthy sexual “kink”. The people who manufacture this stuff are sadists and sociopaths and

Sorry, i should’ve been more concise. What I mean is integrated in the sense that over time, local cultural norms change via the adoption or absorption of immigrating perspectives and practices. I also do agree with the premise of the article you linked.

Its hard to believe people thought painting a mural of Johnny Reb standing before a person hanging from a tree was a good idea, but opinions and sentiments change with the times, especially as our society becomes more integrated. I attended Maryville High School in Maryville, TN. The school mascot was the “Rebel”

ROFL !!!

is Timothy a girl’s name now ? I’m confused.

Agreed. Though I would get some good chuckles to see Loathsome Paul be the victim in someone else’s suckerpunch video.

Nay, your comment (and those of the inevitable replies pointing out your ignorance) just added a dozen or so “points” to this article’s engagement metrics. In response, expect more clickbait about douchebag-of-the-month Logan Paul.

Sorry, I just don’t see or hear an echochamber for the “extreme left” like I do the alt-Right.

We are taught from childhood that accepting responsibility for our actions and admitting fault is a quality of character. Do jokers like Hannity and Trump not recognize how dishonorable and weaselly they appear to their audience ?

Lifehacker is nothing but a collection of blogs. The people writing these aren’t getting paid large sums of money, if any at all.

“Pastor” Mark Burns .. Jeez this guy has been exposed as a fraud. Why does MSNBC continue to host him for interviews ? They are trolling the viewers as well as each other.

Hayes statement on the court decision is farcical. It’s easy for him to lecture the court when he has no legal training or education (Hayes is old money, inherited family business) and knows he can say what he wants because the court won’t respond to him outside the courtroom.

were you able to use the extra life ? Theyve since issued a patch but i havent updated yet. I wonder if they disqualify winners that use this hack since (I imagine) it would be a matter of them verifying a referral was used to gain it or not.

I “get” people sleeping with sports, movie stars .. but just because you’re good at a video game ? Are women really sending nudes and dropping their knickers because this guy is good at Overwatch ?!? If so, I need to update my “game” LOL !

victim is 65yrs old according to local police report.

but these “mass shooters” weren’t criminals until they started shooting people.

IIRC that was what prompted Reagan (then Gov of CA) to pass the Mulford Act banning open carry of firearms.. It was perfectly legal to do so until the Black Panthers began exercising their right to carry when marching in town.

What’s it called When the Pentagon looks elsewhere to fill the roles it needs filling ? Oh yeah, a draft. Let’s hope Trump doesn’t drag us into a war in Asia after shutting down the military’s recruitment channel.

Yeah their demo was emotionally fulfilling but it was a tactical and strategic failure. If they are that upset they need to protest at a Trump rally or McConnell press conference and see how well their message is received.

Compromise is how government works. Without compromise the Republicans and Trump would be ramrodding their agenda and DREAMERS would become fugitives instead of resident aliens, should they decide to stay.