
I understand the firearm training also but when there are multiple police all surrounding the perp in close quarters and the likelihood of a policeman being a casualty is unlikely at best, it beggars belief that they can’t hit a thigh or arm from 6 feet away.

Exactly.. that’s why something like Johnson\Hanks needs to be a real thing for a miracle to happen.

Trump might order his familie to stop wearing the brand if they outraged him enough, or put their rent up, but he wouldn’t evict Gucci - they are flair for his property brand. 

I may be wrong but don’t you give up any right-to-privacy when in commission of a crime ? Meaning that outing these soon-to-be felons on the internet isn’t technically doxxing

Oh yeah ? You smellybuttmuncher

Erm.. yeah ? Is your disbelief that weather could be any different in places other than you’ve lived a thing now ?

I like in the beginning, Machete Guy strikes the sidewalk with his weapon like he’s charging it up or something..

Yeah but 9.11 is an event that’s still recent in memory for some people. Its one thing to have been on the couch watching CNN on 9.11 but a lot of people’s lives were directly affected that day due to the sheer number of people in jeopardy.

it was actually pretty  factual. Filmmakers portrayed events according to what we know happened.

Sorry but that is one god-awful trailer. Is this for real ?

Dude’s gameplan was to do exactly what he did: get on-camera giving advice to a pro. The pro wins the match or even the tourney, and Dude goes down in history as the Bagger Vance of pro gaming

go frack yourself, pig

But you got time to spread lies and slander don’t you ?

So you admit you only watched the first two minutes of a nearly 7 minute vid and yet you take the time to slag him off with a comment?

Just typing the word (fl-kka) in your comment got you put on “The List”. Expect the Unexpected.