
I think your reasoning is solid.

THANK YOU. this IS a car enthusiast site, is it not?  It is possible to have something affordable and practical without giving up all sense of fun.

+1 for the Jurassic Park reference, and +117 for the Master Chief! 

Or the stock lights on any Escalade. 

Flying Robots Of Unusual Size?

Black-on-Black Escalade IQs will probably start showing up as livery vehicles around airports and wealthier areas of the country fairly soon. They have enough range to go a full day on a single charge, and then charge overnight at less-expensive rates than DC fast chargers. Drivers will save a ton on gas and the IQ

In the ‘trucking world’ auto carrier’s are refereed to as ‘portable parking lots’.

Under your direction, we’ll kidnap him, tie him up in a basement, and give him a good scare so he sells it right away.

There is!  But it costs 5 dollars a car, when it used to cost 2 dollars a car.  And at those prices it really is too much for the local cops

Until maybe 10 years ago, the Indiana DMV printed your SSN on your driver's license

The Indiana DMV definitely knows my SSN. Until a few years ago, it was printed on my driver's license.

The problem is that not only is the current M5 heavy, but it LOOKS heavy. The wagon version is indistinguishable from an X__ crossover when viewed from certain angles, and from other angles it looks like the automotive version of someone trying to squeeze into clothes that are 3 sizes too small.

There is no national DMV. They are state agencies.

Does the DMV not a have national database that the states can search against?”

Exactly. I did the math and a $1300 payment on a $20k loan, even at 25% interest, pays it off with “only” $4k in interest in 18 months. I think people see 25% and assume minimum payments for 5 years or something (which would be $587 btw leading to $15k in interest).

This is the sort of situation where you hope Tracy will step in and float the dude a few thousand bucks to get through the holidays. Or just buy him a replacement house. What’s $250k when your net worth is $70 mil?

When I lived in Cobb County, GA it was full of people who just wanted to keep up with the Joneses to a ridiculous degree. I knew a woman who traded in her perfectly fine sedan and bought a 10 year old Lexus SUV because she HAD to have one like all the other blonde ladies at Costco. I've never seen social climbing from

Agreed. Maybe 2 or 3 light stripes, but 5? Seems a bit overkill to me.  With the angularity and blockiness of the design, seems a simpler and less complicated set of lighting would be more appropriate. 

It did work. It led to 2 million deposits and a surge in TSLA stock, which helped Musk get his (now on hold) big bonus. This was all about TSLA stock and Musk wealth, not a functional vehicle.

I asked the same questions, above.