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Heck no, that’d require work.
Wow, I do not like cyber trucks but this is sick!
that is the best one ive seen yet..if they looked like that from the factory I'd consider getting one..still doesnt make up for all its shortcomings tho
Funny, the lights are one of the things I like the most.
He didn’t buy it for how it looks. He bought it for what people will think of him.
Yeah, this looks a bit like the Batmobile and I’m shocked that I don’t immediately hate it.
a friend growing up’s parents were both anesthesiologists. The dad bought a new clk cash and brought it home. The mom didn’t like it so he took it back to the dealership like it was a freakin’ shirt. People this rich (or have deluded themselves into thinking they’re that rich) don’t necessarily think through large…
I can’t imagine how you could not determine that a vehicle didn’t fit you on an extended test drive. Unless you didn’t bother to do one. Which would make you an idiot.
I think that only looks good because it looks like a low polygon render of a black modern muscle car.
Thats basically ALL businesses. Almost no business turns a profit for at LEAST 3 years. Often it take 5-10 years to start turning a profit. Hence yhe expression "it takes money to make money".
Sure, assuming a 30 year repayment and 0 interest, $220M/month. Rivian’s GROSS revenue may have been $4B, but they literally lose money on every vehicle sold. Additionally, they just entered a joint venture with VW worth as much as $5.8B, with at least $1B of that already being transferred to Rivian. Rivian, who lest…
lots of rappers have their “identifiable” car
Could be worse! I’ve known people who’ve smoked cigarettes for decades and never had an issue (go figure). But, anyone ingesting lead or antifreeze in the water has never had very good results.
Don’t forget Killer Mike’s Grand National.
I mean i question the future of Tesla in general. They have an aging product line, with designs based on things thought up well over a decade ago. Musk has made the brand toxic to the college educated crowd...who tend to live in areas with actual charging stations. Sure there are some country club republican types…
Anti-social types aren’t the best at forced skilled labor. Even employed auto workers have been known to do deliberately scummy things to the cars they worked on when management ticked them off.
“which might lead one to wonder if they’ve ever purchased a new vehicle before. Or a used one. Or dealt with money at all.”
As other mentioned you’re referring to Moore’s Law, but that doesn’t apply in a situation like this. In this case IMO, it’s a combination of high starting MSRP, and consumer worries about batter longevity, and charging infrastructure.