
Sounds like the real issue is road design and the sign should say “INSTALL TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES [blurred vulgarity]”

Moore’s law is what you are referring too, and it is not applicable anymore. He based it on transistor miniaturization, and we are near the limit apparently. Instead of the predicted 2 years we are almost at 4 now. It held at 2 for many decades, though.

 Not so baffling when you consider how many people have their heads up their ass. 

Annoying... trying to edit my post to correct 2H->1He to 4H->1He, but the initial reply is awaiting moderation. I guess that’s what you get commenting after Friday night beers :-)

Speaking as a particle physicist, the energy comes from mass. Some of the mass of the H atoms is being converted to energy in fusing four H into one He (one He is lighter than two H). That mass is turned into mc^2 amount of energy, and that is a LOT of energy. One gram of mass is equivalent to 90 TRILLION Joules of

stars are massive accumulations of hydrogen. The intense gravitational forces at the center of the stars are so great that the center becomes incredibly hot and hydrogen can be fused into helium, releasing immense amounts of energy and further heating up the star and its system. At some point, the gravitational forces

The sun turns hydrogen into helium and heat.

Its fuel is finite. Once it runs out of its main source of fuel, it begins burning other things... then that runs out... then it collapses under its own weight.

Atoms, of course, can be destroyed and created.

Absolutely nothing wrong what that!!! :-)

EVs have buying the latest greatest thing style buyers. It only makes sense it would depreciate faster then a Panamera which is its direct alternative. I wish a Panamera grand turismo would depreciate like these Taycans.

The secret to ICE’s next generation of performance AND efficiency will come from the move to a 24-36 volt electrical system. By matter of fact, the 12 volt electrical system of “modern” vehicles is the #1 biggest hindrance to advancement.

But if you look at in that you take that $1447 a month payment difference and always are able to invest in a stock like NVDA we find that we still get to laugh at them because even after doing the not fully correct simple math version that highly favors the buyer they still end up paying over $560000 or twice the

The problem is it’s too easy to get crazy power these days, with normal electric cars verging on 1,000 hp. Yeah there are definitely very cool options out there like Pagani and Koenigsegg, but the big names are definitely getting a bit boring. McLarens all look the same, Ferraris all look the same and are going to

Isn’t there already an E-Grappler, I grappler, Air Grappler (trademark pending) available? A Celluar or GPS tracking device that can be shot out and attached to a suspect’s car so the police can back off and follow at a safe distance?

Now playing

This is an interesting Q and having just watched this, I think it is? lol

One of the co-founders of the company I work for has one! He did a black wrap on his which takes away the glare but manages to make it even more ugly!

Blinding other motorists is the American way. There’s a reason that the party of asshole lifted truck drivers with extra bright headlights just took the whole country

Enterprise was my go to well at one point. They’ve gotten pricey so I shy away from them.

Enterprise has local franchisees, too, and they can be just as shitty. My niece made a special effort to rent close to my home on a visit after I picked her and her kids up from the airport. We get there and they don’t have the modest car that she reserved, and they would only offer the big SUVs they had on hand, at an