
I have looked for just such a thing, with no luck. I wonder, what brand/model sort of thing was this, and how long ago did you have it?

I used to have a cell phone that had an FM radio tuner in it, but it only worked if you plugged in a pair of headphones, because it used the headphones wire as the antenna. Phones don't come with headphones jacks anymore, though.

If you look a little closer, those lights are either not in service yet or dead. The light in view is covered in black plastic. Personally, I think every crosswalk that is not at an intersection with either a stop sign or traffic signal should be required to have amber flashing crosswalk lights.

keep in mind that there really is no survivable cure for stupid.

They’re standard enough that you could cobble something together if you had the time and know-how. There are certainly limits, but most electronic components are happy within a reasonable range of voltage as long as the amperage is sufficient. And the physical requirements (bolt locations, motor spindle size,

If there was enough volume, like with Teslas and Leafs, there will be aftermarket inverter (control) boards and aftermarket battery management systems (BMS).

they should be manual only releases to begin with, no one will figure this convoluted crap out in a panic situation

Oh, Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You just started doing the things you used to do.

Damn I forgot about this. I love Blazers and I’m pretty sure they won a couple of awards.

Grid level battery storage.  I honestly think that in the very long term, the grid storage side is worth more than the auto side.

When you give engineers the freedom and drive to succeed, they deliver

The car stig crashed was the same as the one that set the fastest (then) lap-time, just without the so-called Top Gear wing. It crashed on the first attempt then Koenigsegg took it away and added the spoiler before the second attempt. This race car is a whole other kettle of fish! Lovely looking bit of kit too

This.  I have no problem seeing in front of me.  A whole truck can hide behind the A-pillar on modern vehicles.

And if you are a moron with too much money, you can get a 5-series with 717hp...

Absolutely spot on.

Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole.

Given the Cybertruck’s difficulties with water, it’s better suited to the Moon than Earth

On it. 

I’ll try to coax her back out!

eh, jalopnik themselves are pretty flexible on outrage about environmental damage, depending on to whom it’s attributed.