
Well, if you leave the vehicle running so you can have the A/C and radio on (it’s summer, and you need good tunes for this activity, I recommend WASP’s F Like a Beast on repeat) and then in the throes of passion, decide to climb over the seats instead of exiting and getting in the back (maybe because you are already

Caroll Shelby did this with one of his AC Cobras. Polished aluminum. Sweet ride, hard to look at on a sunny day. 

I did a few track days with the local Mercedes club, there were at least 5 newer E63s there and a couple CLS63s tearing it up. The bigger cars are still fun and good on the track when they don’t weight a million pounds like this one does.

There's also a point to be made that one cannot control the timing or volume of a crying baby of any sort, outside of extremely dangerous and illegal methods.  However, it's trivial to adjust the volume of a car's exhaust by the manufacturer (and the owner, if the manufacturer has provided for it). 

No, they shouldn’t. What about a stock exhaust that has a leak? Are the cops going to start putting these cars on lifts and only writing tickets if they can diagnose a repair? This is the kind of thing that only works in the imagination. In real life local noise ordinances will remain a thing

That is not how it works. States and local communities can be more strict, but not less strict, than federal law. Federal law only supersedes if it more strict.

The states are not allowed to make laws that are less restrictive than the Federal law; but they are allowed to make laws that are more restrictive. That’s how California can have its own emissions requirements (CARB). Unfortunately this results in a patchwork of laws that vary by state; making regulatory compliance a

CARB would like a word.  

Babies.  They're literally the real cry babies.  But we shouldn't blame babies,  you should blame the parents. Just like you can't blame the guy from the article,  you can blame your federal regulations stating what cars can be sold here and how loud they can be. 

Another part of living in society is accepting that other people will do things you don’t like, and you have to live with it. 

yeah that one giant pic in this article I was like ‘are you trying to convince us this is a good looking car with... these... horrible rims??’

So is the interior, though I like the red.

Jay Leno had a quote on about the Prius about a decade ago that sums it up perfectly. I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember it exactly but basically Prius owners act like martyrs because they gave up driving something that’s even a little bit interesting to drive in order to save the environment.

Anything hot enough will behave like a liquid haha

So do rocks...

Most Fords have done that since around 2015-2016. My Bronco does it. Mustangs have done it since the 2015 model year.

It would seem that  you should bring all 3 on the capsule you ride... although Boeings can’t get through the hatch!

My 2004 Acura TL did this!

That’s actually a more common feature than you think. I’ve seen it on Accords from the early 2010s.

If someone told me Nissan built this in Minecraft, I would believe them.