
Luckily the facelifted G63 sounds better than ever! My review of that one will come in a few days.

Post pandemic LA has some of the craziest driving. Every day I see something super stupid and dangerous – like doing a U turn against a red light, across 4 lanes, starting from being parked on the far right of the road, with pedestrians in the crosswalk. And that’s not even the worst thing I have seen!




30 days is more like it! 

You are exactly right, the Federal courts need to enforce a standardized and TIMELY process so the various states don’t continue to delay and screw people! 

In this situation, he saw a (probably) black driver and his inner klansman programming took over.

Don’t forget the guy that accidentally gouged his leg and needed stitches because of the CT’s door edges apologized on video to Musk/Tesla. Musk must climax any time he gets happy, fawning apologies from a customer injured by his decisions.

Yup, after she made sure I said the thank you to the driver, and making sure I tipped the driver, the wooden spoon would have come out.

Unrelated, but “smacked the black off me” is something I haven’t heard in like 10 years and made me spit the water I was trying to drink at the time.

Are you trying to summon The Happening?

in terms of performance the 6th gen Camaro was the best of the modern pony cars. it has poor visibility and the styling wasn’t distinct enough from the 5th gen, but they went quick around a track.

Supposedly the F40 and F50 are especially brutal to their occupants. 

Not only can EVs control power to each motor, they can do it extremely quickly. Most inverters have carrier frequencies in 5-12 khz range so they can change the amount of current flowing to each motor to account for wheel slip very, very fast. 

From the back the rear bumper resembles a Porsche 928. Other than that, it looks like it was styled by Hyundai.

Yea, its true. It is still true. American manufacturers still use a different design philosophy. As it was described to me when i was a newb in automotive design, Chrysler customers look for gadgets. Toyota customers look for reliability, so don’t do anything risky.

BYD is out in the states, just not passenger vehicles. I drive one of their trucks.

List of Things You Are Not:

Well, my first car had: