
Burble ‘popcorn’ tunes are the worst. I love the various sounds cars make, I’m not overly sensitive to it and some sedated pops during upshifts adds a nice touch of character...But when it’s just popopopopopopoppop after every single downshift, it’s no longer music, it’s just pots and pans

That’s what happens when money is the ‘be all end all’.

As a Test driver, I find the cars with the least amount of sensors and things were the most reliable

5. An Actual Duck =)

That’s a good thing because affordability is a major factor in whether or not EVs catch on wide a wider audience in the U.S.”

The Roma is goofy looking in photos for some reason. In person it looks good however.

It’s good looking for a prius. more like the ugly duckling than Cinderella. Cinderella was always decent looking, the prius was not a good looking car, then it matured.

All these comments, I had no idea how prevalent it was lol 

A white tank at that...ooooooo I can see the riots that would cause.

Probably even more so since the Covid fiasco was backlogged on the checks, I doubt those audits were happening then and are just getting caught up now at least for the US I would imagine. Maybe not to this degree however.

Now is it as standard for the most part, or part of some package.

They be different for sure.

Dude could have played the stock market, made out with millions, stopped collecting unemployment and bowed out 

I don’t know what song one might play to invoke those events”

These will get over 25mpg if you baby it a tad, and will last a good while.

Clarkson’s been in Top gear forever, but the new format in the early 2000s was peak automotive entertainment. I don’t think any other show will make cars come alive in the way that they did. Even my parents who are general car people, they like em but not obsessively like me enjoyed the heck out of that show.

Oh ok I see my first issue was getting a Mitsubishi lol

There is just something about the Continental GT that is just the perfect balance of masculinity with a Feminine touch that just sits well with me. Especially in this green oof.

Man they sound so good to

Coming eight decades after Londoners lived through the German “blitz” in World War II”