
Also can all cars adopt the expensive Mercedes option of holding the unlock button on the key to open all the windows?

I mean what house in places like New York City and Los Angeles? Those people can make like 300K and still park on the street or an underground lot...But I guess it’s choice at that point. If you’re single and don’t plan on changing things (or can change things at any time), but live in a 1 bedroom condo with no

I can’t be the only one that thinks;hey we’re going to space, those space disaster movies are starting to look more and more like science fact by the day, let’s just, ya know...throw in some extra equipment’

Definitely one of the more interesting EVs/Cars in general, but they are treating it like...a treat, a toy, a premium throwback instead of just an interesting affordable vehicle...Why? Even 35K would be a competitive price and maybe shift the bubble but crossover craze a little.

It still translates over to cheaper cars, and even if you make enough to buy an EQE, doesn’t mean you have an actual house to install the charger

So we don’t like having extra suits in general as a “Just in case” scenario?

We had an EQE test vehicle the other day. The only thing scary about the range is seeing the battery draining every 30 seconds with the car “Idling” and the A/C blowing lol. Driving wise, it didn’t really spend a whole lot of “fuel”, the range was pretty comparable to the standard gas models. It was a perfectly fine

it’s the manufacturers and Cafe fault to begin with, they could have totally made sedans and station wagons more of an attractive offer, but those emissions right offs for SUVs was just too good

As the Edition 130Y is free from racing restrictions”

Mind you, it’s probably more of a “put Ice water in a fan and have it blow” kinda thing instead of a legit A/C

I just want the power to just piggy back off someone’s consciousness and just observe them for the day through their eyes...Like a possession of sorts but I’m just in the passenger seat.

Is it possible to learn this power?

I mean they’re cool in a way, but I’d rather have GLS Maybach or even the cheaper Q8. Better yet I’d rather have the Sedan versions of either.

Was the driver required to continue driving even after telling the company that they felt ill?” - Yes

I’m curious how much much the previous owners paid for their vehicle prior and how much did they profit.

...I mean I’d drive it

All those wonderful sedans and coupe...let’s build more crossovers!

Yea I don’t know what Nissan was thinking with this GTR ev concept. It makes the cybertruck look like a Jaguar E-type. Like...yea it’s certainly different, If they ever did a burnout remake, I would choose this car just to crash it! ugh just looking at it gives me indigestion.

Doable, but good luck getting it under 100K$

Will it be beautiful like this? doubt it, unless this concept will look like this