
...The first person to create a car with this shape, with 4-500hp, for 60 - 100K$ that isn’t a Corvette, will have my full support. I will even go into debt willingly and suffer the whole way. Imagine Companies doing a like giveaway to where they give 1 lucky winner a car like this and all you have to do it maintain

Oof didn’t even think about that. RIP to the people in back. Yea why did they make it so short?

Speeding is dangerous! Speeding is one of the most common driving violations and one of the leading causes of all fatalities in the road.”

to each their own I guess, I personally don’t find rock crawling particularly interesting, and SUVs are appalling to me, 0 grace, but eh I get it to a degree.

just downshift and if you don’t smile from that alone, there’s something wrong with you =)

You can have more fun in a Lamborghini going the speed limit than this thing

The rear end screams Mclaren to me, but I like it, looks good.

So I guess they didn’t want to resurrect the Falcon nameplate for a 4-door “coupe”? an off-road mustang will be cool, will it sell well? probably, I don’t see their fanbase gravitating towards it, but non fanbois will eat it up.

yea but do you trust it? I guess in terms of modifications, the only thing that would really need to be done is in the drivetrain/suspension. but hopefully E motors and batteries will get fairly modular as well. I can see the use of super capacitors maybe acting as “turbos” in a sense.

I’m curious how many of those people actually forgot they put down a reservation and just picked it up just because?

I saw the power figures on it and was like “yea this isn’t your average Volvo” lol

What is it? Man created the car, the turbo made them equal - or something like that.

Enthusiasts, however, will be just fine in the electric era.”

I’m a teacher”

The only people who don’t move in their sleep are Vampires. Also I can imagine laying down virtually straight is a bit different from an upright sitting position with bent knees

What is lax in the US is enforcement, what is lax in the US is the ability to get somewhere in a way that doesn’t require owning a car.”

I actually don’t mind the aesthetics here, the color combinations work well enough minus the stripper pole and car carousel. The problem is having a place this size by yourself is unfortunate, you just end up filling it with needless stuff. Even if I was a millionaire, I probably wouldn’t buy something bigger than a

Right!? he must have had a good prenup (and a judge that didn’t completely throw it out anyways). Or he was just insanely rich to begin with.

With 12 wins in Dakar out of 26 attempts, 7 of those being consecutive, with nicknames such as King of the Desert, I’d say the Pajero is at least top 5. They mainly raced with the 2 door variant, but the 4 door is also a very capable off-roader.

I don’t want to call it stale, but it’s just too familiar if that makes sense. Like, some parts are different specifically with the rear end, but it just looks like a face lift to the designs we already have.