Darth Sensitive

Despite the $16,000 price difference

That’s a £16,000 difference, not dollars

The RS, hands down. So much more practical for everyday use, plus AWD for the Michigan winters. The M2 is a magnificent beast, don’t get me wrong, but it wouldn’t be as useful to me.

my only reaction:

Eventually Kansas is going to be the state formerly known as Kansas. So much wrong. Don’t understand how Brownback got reelected, but he did!

You need to check out what’s going on in Kansas.

“It’s Pat!”

“It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.”

As the guy who was president of FSU when the Jameis Winston rape case got swept under the rug, Barron is fast becoming academic America’s poster boy for campus sex crime denial.

This seems like it would have been a great chance to just say nothing. I can’t conceive of a possible statement that makes Barron or PSU look good.

I’m surprised he didn’t play the “Duke lacrosse!” “UVa rape!” card like Paterno’s son did.

“When in doubt, side with a convicted child molester” seems like a solid policy

Holy. Shit. Just burn that entire place down.

‘Around 300'

fingers crossed for Eurotrash or a chav*

an undisclosed amount


In a world of wikipedia and google, I kind of respect (but really I hate) people with the balls to say ‘fuck you, fuck facts, and in particular fuck the fact that what I’m saying is immediately disprovable’

You’re still rambling.