See, police? This is what happens when two morons almost get a random person killed and you go eh, they’re white, warn them and let them go. They do it again and get a gazillion views.
See, police? This is what happens when two morons almost get a random person killed and you go eh, they’re white, warn them and let them go. They do it again and get a gazillion views.
My partner’s son loves these types of ‘pranks.’ He thinks they’re hilarious and that Youtube is the path to untold wealth. He’s 14 and luckily, not ballsy enough to do anything this stupid. I keep pointing out what a drain on resources this shit is and how it pulls police, medics, etc. away from actual emergencies but…
Never ask this question. I’m learning this, myself.
How are people this fucking stupid?
I don’t get the idea that CBS Trek is super grimdark. plow as many interns and assistants as Majel Barrett would let him?
I hope they are convicted and sent to prison. They could have gotten the Uber driver killed.
Oh fuck these fucking assholes. Please please please make them do some kind of time for this bullshit.
Is this an unpopular or popular opinion? I enjoyed the first episode.
This review gets the title of the show wrong FOUR TIMES.
I’m beginning to doubt that you watched more than the 30-second teaser trailer for season 2.
I remember one of the times I got suspended in high school (I was a shitty teenager, what are you gonna do?), my dad pleaded with the principal not to suspend me. He tried explaining that I would take it as a holiday, not a punishment. Principal disagreed, suspended me, and I spent 4 days at home, watching TV, and…
Hold on a second! Let me get this straight..... if a kid reports this shit, they get suspended? Well fuck! There’s the solution!
As former social worker ....THANK YOU!! So sick of this still apparently popular myth that courts 'just side with the moms '. Such jack shit.
The courts are more lenient on mothers? Isn’t time for this myth to die. Courts are more likely to side with fathers because of the believe that men aren’t given a fare shake. The truth is most parents decide which parent will be the custodial parent before they even get to court and normally that’s the mother of the…
I am a guardian (UK law) and let me tell you, it is no walk in the park. Guardianship (as far as I understand it) is a step before conservatorship (basically how incapacitated the person you are caring for is - in my case I am just lucky, for being a conservator means essentially only more reporting duties): for me,…
I know people may more easily remember the head shaving or umbrella thing but I remember her locking herself in a bathroom with at least one son. IIRC she was put on an involuntary psych hold after this. She was in a spiral and very easily couldve been another tragic story.
Agreed. For some people conservatorship is a godsend, and at least from out here, to me, it seems to be what saved Britney. Not that you’re making this point—I don’t want to put words in your mouth...but I’ve always found he #FreeBritney movement to be absolutely silly. Does anyone remember Britney in 2007? The poor…
Look, mental health is impossible to assess from the outside, and there’s no way anyone not part of Spears’ inner circle can really know what’s going on there. That said, if I kept my 38-year-old pop star daughter locked away “for her own good,” I’d probably deny it, too!