
He says his name on the livestream. That’s what that sentence means.

I still don’t get the usage of Twilight in the title. Brain must be running slow today.

It very well could be a liner coming loose, but c’mon man. A $100k+ truck that was advertised as being able to ‘conquer any terrain’ should not have a wheel well liner come loose from a puddle.

Your opinions are wrong and you should feel bad.

Except for that weird bit where he thought Indiana Jones should be a child molester.

The difference between George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry is that Roddenberry died relatively early in the lifetime of the franchise, and since he is no longer around to remind us all how terrible he is, then it’s easy to fill in the gaps and pretend like he was a saint who made no bad decisions whatsoever.

That didn’t exactly end well, lol.

“A New York Post article claimed that it was because Lemon made too many demands, “including a free Tesla Cybertruck, a $5 million upfront payment on top of an $8 million salary, an equity stake in the multibillion-dollar company, and the right to approve any changes in X policy as it relates to news content.””

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

Quick, marginally “healthier” meal option for a family when you didn’t want to cook. A rotisserie chicken + a couple of sides + corn bread would run you about $20 or so. This was before you could wander into any given supermarket and get a pre-roasted chicken for $5-$7.

There’s probably an entire planet of Rikers out there. Just Riker manoeuvring around 

A. I would’ve loved Janeway promoting Seven. Her not being there was kinda felt since it makes sense for her to give her former protege that promotion.

Yeah getting Tuvok was wonderful! 

Harry Kim getting a promotion? Look, I can only suspend my disbelief so far.

“Harry Kim appeared as the captain of the Voyager-B in the first draft of Frontier Day.

Just more evidence of how far removed executives are from regular people.

The funny thing is it wasn’t Pennys stopping the sales that got me to stop going there, it was them changing what they actually sold at around the same time.  I still have a pair of cargo pants I bought there in ~2005 or so for like $25 or so, once he took over you couldn’t find pants of that quality there anymore.

It’s not widely known by people who don’t work in or adjacent to the field, but Google’s News results have been subject to a lot of pushback. News publishers covet the web traffic provided to their sites from Google Search results but resent the little one-paragraph story snippets provided along with the links and

They should just focus on doing Young Avengers story they've been teasing. Yelena, Kate and Kamala have regularly been said to be the best thing Marvel did after Endgame. Flesh out Riri a bit, and add Sam Wilson as their mentor/leader, and you got a cast. 

Sanders would have won in 2016 and 2020 had his name been on the ballot