a) Star Trek should sue Trump’s ass for stealing their insignia. If nothing else just to fuck with him.
a) Star Trek should sue Trump’s ass for stealing their insignia. If nothing else just to fuck with him.
My sister was at Georgetown in the early ’90s and had friends who interned on the Hill. She told me a story much like this one at the time, that the female staffers had running lists of members you did not want to be alone with. I don’t recall her mentioning Biden (not that that means anything) but she did mention…
While I fully accept the possibility of being wrong, there seems to be a certain amount of “working the refs” around here in an effort to reverse the outcome of the primary in favor of everyone’s favorite Social Democratic candidate who has promised a bunch of things that were never going to happen.
It’s a he said/she said case. So yes, he does want you to take his word. Not sure what else you expect him to do? Open up unrelated files so FOX News can destroy him by taking seemingly damning quotes from a lifetime of papers out of context to make him look bad? Look what they’ve already done with that one video…
I’m going to get hate for this, but what the flying f*ck is wrong with this website nowadays? FFS, this allegation sucks but also given Reade’s love of Putin and coming forward in March when Bernie was losing after changing her story multiple times in the past several years this shrieks of weaponizing MeToo, which…
I do wonder where the complaint is and why Reade doesn’t have a copy of it or why she’s not insisting someone find it. Written evidence is always the best evidence and if it exists, its the best way for her to prove that she at least filed a complaint however many years ago.
Forget Putin for the moment. The biggest defense against anything like this is an alibi. When the most anyone can narrow down is “Spring”, but is really filed as a 1993 incident, all you’re ever going to get is a straight denial from the accused and it starts becoming a study in character witnesses.
If this is indeed a ratfuck, getting Joe to go Open Kimono with his files was always the endgame.
This is a troll-supported operation to make the guy who literally wrote the Violence Against Women Act as the equivalent of a serial rapist who brags about sexual assualt.
... and that many of the people she told about the abuse heard only about “sexual harassment’ allegations. Including her brother, who contacted reporters days after confirming allegations to let them know after talking about the past with his sister he now remembers she did tell him about being digitally penetrated…
This is the fishing expedition through Hillary’s email server part II.
Republicans managed to turn a Purple Heart into a liability but Biden should open up his entire archives to public scrutiny.
Opening up his records is bound to leave him vulnerable. It may confirm or disprove Tara Reade’s claims but it also leaves him vulnerable to attacks from other unrelated revelations. Also opening his records only helps Reade if claims proven. If nothing is found, people will cry cover up because most people have…
Why is Jezebel doing it’s level best to torpedo the campaign of the best chance to unseat the Orange Menace in November? Need I remind you of the many women who have credibly accused Chump of rape? And of The Dolt’s ties to Epstein? How can 4 more years of the orange man-baby be preferable to Biden?
Reade’s perpetually changing story and name is why people should not take her seriously. Especially since a part of her supposed story comes from a novel her father wrote. Not to mention, now deleted, gushing articles she wrote about how sensually strong Putin is.
Trump won’t have to win. Enough people are willing to lose. Like all the ‘Bernie bros’ who wouldn’t vote for Hillary because of their “ integrity “ , we will have all the current self righteous voters sitting this one out.
So is the plan to just bitch about Biden for the next 7 months then run endless articles exploring “how did Trump win” ala 2016?
While I do think that there is a valid discussion to be had on the subject, I also do there is validity in their explanation. If it was the right choice or not is difficult to determine objectively, but it is good to point such decisions.
“And now that he has a studio set up in his home, there’s no excuse for Biden to hide from the American people nor his role as assumed Democratic nominee for president.”
I thought “Opioid Czar” was an opioid-based recreational drug formulation, like a speedball made out of other speedballs.