I’m an outside the box thinker through and through: maybe they should ask an appealing person to host the show next time? A John Mulaney or a Maya Rudolph, for instance. Both of them?
I’m an outside the box thinker through and through: maybe they should ask an appealing person to host the show next time? A John Mulaney or a Maya Rudolph, for instance. Both of them?
It both makes me sick knowing how he rotted my brain, how I was an asshole college republican until actually moving to a red state and realizing how stupid they all were in real life. He also rotted so many loved one’s minds and values, but I also felt kind of sad at how awful he looks, I think it doesn’t help that my…
Exactly! Their nitpicking over the dreams was ridiculous. It's like they just want to be contrarian.
. . . you really don’t think they’d have developed a system to regulate the two-way transporter hoops? Are you suggesting the show stop to take a moment and explain how said two-way transporter hoops are regulated? I get not digging the new show but this is going to some pretty great lengths to hate on Alex Kurtzman…
::: EYE ROLL:::
Didn`t the Romulans use a clone of Picard to attempt a genocide on Earth using a supervessel that essentially rendered Starfleet`s best attempts at interdiction moot, and would have sterilized the planet while cloaked in minutes? That kind of thing, coupled with lingering mistrust during the Romulan`s dark period,…
One thing I’m sort of confused about— and maybe it’s a bit of New Star Trek lore that I missed— is that everyone takes the existence of “synths” for granted. To me it seemed kind of out of place. Like, one of the big issues in Measure of a Man was that Maddox wanted to study Data in order to possibly make more…
That admiral scene was so fantastic. Not just because you could see both sides of the argument there, but also because it truly managed to portray Picard as believably flawed. Which instantly made him even more appealing as this older main character who still views himself as one of the greatest heroes of Starfleet.…
Sounds like classic Romulan shit to me. Even their secrets have secrets. That’s sort of their whole deal, man.
Why the fuck does the super secret Tal Shiar need an even MORE super secret “hidden” cabal within it, which was, I guess, the entire reason for the Tal Shiar in the first place.
Having seen all of the first 3 episodes, as well, I wholeheartedly disagree. Yes, the pace is somewhat languid, but I, personally, had zero problem with that. Things felt, to me, like they had time to breathe and get fleshed out, relationships are well-established, etc.
I can’t be the only one who thinks the lawsuit just makes her look more like a Russian or Republican asset?
She needs a Cow.
You know, when I first saw and heard her I liked Tulsi Gabbard. And I have my problems with Hillary Clinton. But then someone told me about Gabbard and Syria and I read up a bit. Then I found out that Gabbard got elected to her first public office by taking a stand against Gay Marriage. Like that was her main campaign…
None of us like to be reminded of that election. Which underscores how profoundly self-centered and short-sighted it was for Sanders to run again in the first place. Sanders’s refusal to exit stage left and allow a new generation (which for him, means Baby Boomers) unencumbered by the bitterness of 2016 to take up the…
I just wanted Baby Yoda to show up in full Mando armor with the Madolorian saying, “Awww, he made little Mandolorian armor. He’s very advanced.”
Huh. I just learned that American Dad, one of my favorite Fox animated shows, actually stayed in production after it was canceled by Fox. All this time, I thought TBS was just airing reruns.
Dammit. I’m buying the TBS seasons tonight. I don’t even need to watch the clip.
First few episodes after the move to TBS were a little rough, but after that first season, they really found their footing again and are still putting out quality work. It’s stands with any of the “classic” episodes of American Dad.