
“The WA Administration has been made aware of a recent picture, posted on social media, which demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs

I’m sure they’re very worried about the well-reviewed movie he made that earned them gobs of money.

I feel like it would be entirely appropriate for Jezebel editors to pick titles for these stories. Also, to do some basic editing of the stories, because sheesh.

The last one is a big fat nope. NOPE.

Lovett will have you know his daily routine is not boring and that he has gone to escape rooms on more than one occasion.

I would follow Lovett just to know which restaurants have have weird combinations of food on their menus.

the men Farrow reported on hired investigators to follow both of them

He’s basically said “My bio Dad doesn’t matter, Woody was the only Dad I knew, and he’s a monster.”

It’s in relation to the comment about the OP thinking he might have “skeletons come out of his closet”. He seems to have a nondescript home life and no rumors of bad actions. Hence, boring.

Having a boring personal life is very underrated.

Not at all. He seems like someone who has taken on this cause because of the effects abuse caused on his sister.  Also, hearing his interview with Jon Lovett made me feel he has a very boring personal life.

I thought he used the term “mulligans.”

Matt Lauer’s “misdeeds”??? Da fuq??

Honestly wondering, if it had been Michelle Obama coming for the vapes would you all would have had the same shitty take on this?

Soooooo, I guess vapers are no different than a cult now, right?

Somehow it’s not surprising that the staff of GMG seems to be entirely made up of the very most irritating type of vaper.

I literally came here to say, “I can’t believe this is the hill you want to die on.” And seriously - it’s like you’re trying to convince us that since Melania is telling us we shouldn’t vape, we all have a duty to go out there and RESIST by vaping 24-7. I’m beginning to think you’re just trolling us at this point. 

Counterpoint: Fuck vapes.

This is not the hill you need to die on or maybe you will with your bubble gum flavored vape pen clutched in your cold lifeless hands. Good luck.

Can the GMG please just stop with any/all vape coverage? It’s always a hopelessly vague yet narrow take on an issue that has career public health professionals scratching their heads over the best approach re: we need to decrease vaping without increasing cigarette smoking. Leave this one to the professionals. Also,