
Oh, for fuck’s sake. 

If I could go back in time, I’d spend a lot of time future-proofing a lot of rights agreements. It kills me that the real versions of Ed and Northern Exposure may never be seen again, due to their extensive use of licensed music.

Let’s talk about prioritizing white birth. Just take a moment to enter the mind of a white supremacist...

So, I guess Julia Sugarbaker (and the whole crew, really) would have a lot to say in 2019 or 2020 or whenever the reboot finally happens, but is there any reason to think that people would be more excited about this than they were about the Murphy Brown revival, which shared a lot of the same audience (based on the

I have plenty of criticism for Splinter but I like that they watch the Democrats like a hawk and are effectively always opposed to the “establishment.” Here we see Crosbie/Splinter specifically taking on the role of the establishment and actively participating in the propaganda and gaslighting that we are all trying

I disagree and here’s why:


Seriously. I'm sick of this shit. We have little power because - spoiler alert - we have little power. 

I don’t think this hurt the case for impeachment. It’s also fucking stupid that your evidence for this is just linking your own article complaining about such, as though repeating yourself means you’re providing evidence.

No. Stop participating in this shit. You are framing this as a fucking spectacle to be judged by entertainment value - which is what Trump is doing, which is what the MSM is doing. Not to mention y’all were reporting all day on how Republicans were being crazy, and we could all see they were wording questions crazily

Unpopular opinion here, but if you wanted the Democrats to have other options beyond calling Mueller to testify YOU SHOULD HAVE ELECTED MORE OF THEM TO THE SENATE.

Yeah....she gained a few kilos....

Because the driver’s license is the de facto national ID card - that’s why they list your address, and have your height and gender. They don’t usually list weight - and Americans don’t “gain a kilo” (unless they’re REALLY into cocaine) - we gain pounds in this country.

Because it also acts as your primary ID. The physical description mostly seems to be used in identifying dead bodies. And they mostly don’t include weight, just eye color and height.

American driver’s licenses boggles me. Why do they have adresses on them? Why weight? Do you have to get a new one if you gain a kilo? Or lose one?

Whereas, I think these guys think that screwing with those expectations is legitimately funny? I also don’t think they think other people “care” much about the show’s plot; there’s a bit in the EW interview about the renewal where one of the guys is talking about finally resolving the Archer’s Dad stuff in the last

Pretty sure RBG just got downgraded from “Notorious/YAAAS KWEEN” to “Dirty Centrist Bootlicker.”

 Nobody is ever pure enough. Ever. 

I wonder what Cubert actually is. It resembles a monolith in 2001 and acts like a face-hugger in Alien, but it mostly seems to be a MacGuffin at this point. Maybe it represents the squishiness of Archer’s subconscious.

I don't follow comic con at all, so the the moment we saw original Lana was pretty shocking to me. I've been enjoying most of this seasons and just accepted Archer as stand alone seasons with similar characters, so the end of this episode really came as a shock to me.