
Jeri Ryan must be thinking “So this is what it’s like to be on a Trek show where the crew actually gives a shit.”

Was that Troi’s voice in the trailer (“sometimes I worry you’ve forgotten who you are” round the one-minute mark)?

Also, I saw a TNG panel back in April with Frakes, Sirtis, and Spiner (plus Gates McFadden and Wil Weaton), and they all claimed they weren’t involved with Picard at all. I suspected they were all full of

Because they haven’t been as bad as McConnell when they are in charge. I’m not saying that whomever takes over the republican majority (or minority, I hope) is going to be a pussycat. Just slightly less of a sociopath.

Their politics will be just as bad, but McConnell is frighteningly good at his job in a way few people are.

Jesus fucking christ. Jezebel completely fucking missing the point again. This is bad for the country. Knock this shit off. She isn’t liberal enough for you? Tough shit. She is trying to unseat the most entrenched conservative shitbox in a VERY conservative state. You know what “SUCKS”? Mitch McConnell. You know what

I don’t believe your lies!

Cool. I hope you enjoy Trump’s second term as much as everyone else will.

So the broader public (as compared to “activists within the Democratic party)doesn’t care about Democrats passing bills that have no chance so they’d care about Democrats passing other bills that also have no chance, the difference being those other bills are ones you like more?

Look - I don’t know if flipping the senate is possible but fucking vote, people. If it matters to you at all, vote. IDGAF if a candidate doesn’t check off all your little boxes of perfection. Do not sit at home. Go fucking vote and understand that you can’t force change. You need to chip away at it. Any progress will


This is the only hosting idea that matters. Bonus points if Wayne and Drew randomly interrupt throughout the show. 

Quite possibly the only hosts that would make me want to watch.

Award shows are complete BS - but one with those two hosting I would definitely watch.

You don’t have to tell me. I grew up watching B:TAS and loved it. I love the Arkham games too! (And as a bit of trivia, while it very quickly went its own way, B:TAS was actually originally conceived as a sequel to the first Keaton Batman movie.)

I’m sorry... have you covered elections before?  Nothing here was remotely new or unique for a stump speech.  If you’re another child-blogger fresh out of school, buckle up because it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

No I just can’t stand your idiocy and the fact the past 3 years have taught people like you nothing. 

I think one can still be a “bear,” even if they’re as smooth as a professional wrestler.

As soon as I’m crowned Emperor of All Existence (it should happen any day now, really), the first thing I’m going to do is create permanent, painless hair removal.

I understood that reference.

I don’t understand the world any more, and I am somewhat frightened by it.