
Oh no. It appears you have a case of Orville Syndrome. It’s a little known mental disorder first diagnosed in 2017 after the premiere of a lazy homage to early 90's syndicated science fiction. It’s main symptoms are irrationally hating Star Trek Discovery, ignoring glaring flaws in writing, sfx, acting and set design

Take your wife and girlfriend out for dinner. To a hibachi place. Between the knives and fire there’s a decent chance everything will sort itself out.

Dear Salty Landers,

I’m with you on this one. Hard for me to take issue with a black woman being elected, no matter who endorsed her.

It takes a special kind of Latte Partier to bemoan a black woman winning over a blonde white woman.

Blessed by Cuomo = No Splinter Stamp of Approval = not progressive enough.

Oh man.

Keep scratching at this turd.

Sam, did you even Watch Clone Wars or Rebels?

Wow, what a surprise, a bunch of misogynistic nerdbros think the only Disney Star Wars film with a male lead is the best one. Shocking.

I can agree with this !!!! When the (D)‘s stand up then Rafi just pokes fun at them ????? for FOX sakes what’s going on???

That’s what grinds my gears.

Literally nothing they did or could do today on the floor will have any impact on the election, so there’s no reason to be mad about it!

The democratic party (and Splinter for that matter) have no clear cut message about what they stand for. The Wilderness podcast by Jon Favreau touches on a lot of shit that leads to these types of blogs. People on the democratic side are either dumb for believing their message is unified and will resonate in upcoming

If Hillary was doing anything..anything at all (getting her paper from the driveway?) - we would know because there would be a post right here shitting on her for it.

Jesus fuck, darling, what is wrong with you? First you’re mad at the Democrats for NOT stooping to the Republicans’ level re civility & theatre, and now you want them to stop doing it?

It’s really annoying. I’ve been totally in sync with the idea that the left wing of the party has legitimate criticisms of the mainstream, but Splinter (and their writers on twitter) has recently gone into this mode of taking things out of context and being like “lol dems”. It’s making me wonder if the moderates have

Psst there is no Soviet Union, you might be confusing our current geopolitics with those of thirty years ago?
