Soon to be added to the lexicon:
Soon to be added to the lexicon:
Not to mention carry/storage obligations. If you want guns safely stored in classrooms, you need at minimum some kind of gun safe—a locked desk drawer won’t cut it. Ideally a trigger lock as well, but now you’re really cutting down on how quickly teachers can react in an emergency. That’s a lot of extra cost for each…
Anyone see the Vice News interview of actual NRA members, where, while they all disagreed on banning assault rifles, ect, EVERY. LAST. ONE. OF. THEM. supports a universal background check system? Maybe it’s time for the NRA to actually start doing what it’s members want, as opposed to say, gun stores, gun…
Pls take your prison rape jokes elsewhere or maybe just remove them entirely okay bye
Honestly would have trouble picking the least corrupt member of the Trump administration
No, fuck that. Little truth time. I was savagely bullied from about 1st grade through Highschool. Small school, and it was one kid for 8 years that made every day of my life hell, but nothing ever happened to him because his daddy donated an entire fucking wing to the elementary school. I was undersized and had/have…
This guy is a living, breathing American tragedy and I just hope he finds peace in some form before he hurts himself or anyone else.
I disagree. The Koch brothers are rational. They’re just evil. But their greed is rational.
I mean, he started with “these guys could blackmail you with shower videos!” Has always been the case with whoever owns a hotel? The fact that it’s the Chinese government concerns me no more than finding out the hotel is owned by a dude. Any dude. Doesn’t matter.
Don’t forget Ft. Hood.
I agree! Oprah seems like a good human being. She also has a very inspiring story and is worthy of admiration. She came from nothing and built an empire, she is the American dream.
This. I don’t want Oprah as President, but one reason we’re in this mess is that Republicans will line up to vote for anyone with an R behind their name, no matter how awful, but liberals defect to Jill fucking Stein if they don’t think the candidate is perfect.
I agree, but I’m not going to fall down a hole of false equivalence.
I mean, if push came to shove I’d vote for Oprah over Trump in a heatbeat.
I’d say he’d go with A because of the simplicity and lack of creativeness but he might have an ingrained aversion to using a negative expression that sounds related to his favorite fine dining establishment.
No kidding. If you gave elementary school me the power to hire and fire teachers and staff and generally run the school it would look very similar to what currently goes on in the White House. Right down to the excessive TV watching and the McDonald’s cafeteria.
H.R. McMaster was my commanding officer when he was a lieutenant colonel.
In his juvenile attempts to demean him post-firing, how will Trump refer to McMaster in tweets?
Further confirmation that we have a fucking five year old in the oval office.