
Discovery is like the gangly teenager of Star Trek shows—awkward, still figuring itself out, but really creative and energetic in spurts and slowly growing into something great. Season 4 told the type of first contact story Gene Roddenberry would’ve been proud of, and Season 5 looks like a lot of fun.

Mary Trump had a good take on this:

So many new MCU heroes have been introduced since Endgame that the narrative feels unfocused. Building up a villain for an Avengers movie isn’t even the most important issue—they just need to get these characters back on the screen and start establishing how they relate to each other and the world.

OH FFS no one anywhere is doing this

What actions has Biden taken that justify invoking the 25th Amendment

No one expects Stewart to be a propagandist for Biden the way Tucker is for Trump. It’s just supremely unreal to see the media at large, including Stewart, treat Biden’s age and occaisonal gaffes as if they’re in any way comparable to Trump’s insane, dictatatorial, self-absorbed ramblings.

I think Terry laid the spinoff stuff on too thick —giving the Titan/Enterprise-G its own theme music, all the buildup for Seven’s “go to warp” catchphrase, the mentions of “Legacy”, and that Q scene with Jack. Publicly auditioning for a job that doesn’t exist is a great way to piss off the executives, whether it’s a

Honestly, evoking Stargate could be intentional. A lot of the signs so far hint at the mysterious ancient mystery fueling the season-long adventure being the discovery of usable Iconian gateway tech.

Enormous fucks ups is exactly right; not codifying Roe,

You are looking for self validation, not honest discussion. Your attitude is really no better than that of MAGA “ignore all our issues and focus on the other guys”

Yeah...I probably won’t watch again.

One candidate is old and a bit centrist for the more leftist-minded folks out there. One is a career criminal rapist who will sell out NATO and Ukraine to the Russians and plunder state secrets for his own personal profit.

You’re welcome to criticize Biden all you want. So am I. If anybody has told you that you shouldn’t criticize Biden, they’re wrong.

Jon delivered that monologue with all the confidence of a rich, straight white male who will be okay no matter who wins in November.

Frasier had one, too!

Attention. The more publicity she gets, the more likely she’ll be able to land more “acting” roles in Ben Shapiro-funded movies, or maybe a contract with Musk to host a show on (ugh) “X”.

Geeez, that sucks. RIP to a fantastic (if cheap) actor.

That post-credits scene with Q actually went on longer in the original cut. After Q says that line about Jack’s journey just beginning, the camera swings over to Terry Matalas, who grins and winks at the audience (complete with cheesy “ding” noise).

I’m fine with that. Nothing against Latif, but Tyler just doesn’t need to be in this movie and might even distract with his convoluted backstory. He was mainly a love interest for Burnham, and that ended when Discovery went to the future. Georgiou’s Section 31 story to date focused on Leland, not Tyler.

The Klingons eat the hearts of their enemies, used prison labor on Rura Penthe, and genocided the tribbles. In the war with the Federation from Yesterday’s Enterprise, they killed 40 billion people. If they can be redeemed, or at least understood, so can Georgiou.