
Only Sean Connery should be a defendant in Jeopardy! related lawsuits!

Generally speaking, the trend is for viruses to become less deadly/sickening over time.

My opinion on him has done a complete 180 in the last 48 hours. Before, I wasn’t enthused, but found him palatable and was glad that Jennings (with his history of crappy tweets and opinions) wasn’t picked.

I agree, but also thought that the biggest constraint on the third film was the unexpected loss of Carrie Fisher and the subsequent decision not to rework the end of TLJ to account for her passing.

That was my thinking, too. The FO had also just lost Starkiller Base. Losing Snoke’s ship (which was apparently their command center and shipyard) and a bunch of other big ships seemed like a game-ender for them as well.


The only things that would get me to replace my fairly new Impreza anytime soon would be a new WRX hatchback or a Crosstrek WRX.

Every song played on it generated the same 1990s-grade musical note clipart, set against a starry night sky. I could not figure out how to get it to please stop pretending it was the loading screen to a Disney DVD.

I don’t think this was planned. IIRC, Richards filled in at the last minute and then just did a surprisingly decent job.

In my experience on Kinja, it’s mostly commenting in the right place at the right time to catch the attention of a writer who interacts with the commenters. If a new site is ever launched or added to Kinja, it helps to comment on the first post(s), as that’s when they’re looking to build a reader and commenter base.

Kaya Scodelario was also part of gen 1, even though she wasn’t a focus character until gen 2.

There was (is?) a theory that Palpatine was responsible for Anakin’s immaculate conception, which I believe would mean that Rey is Kylo’s aunt. Technically.

I’m barely more knowledgable than you, having seen some of the show a long time ago. At the time, Patel and Hoult were pretty much the same—teenage bean poles. Of course Hoult was, you know, white.

I caught his third episode and he’s clearly nervous--probably because, unlike most guest hosts, he actually wants the job on a full-time basis. Too bad he only got a week.

Looking back, I’m realizing that the reason I avoided this show for so long was because Christine Baranski did too good a job playing a right wing nutjob radio host on Frasier 25 years ago. Now, I can’t picture her as anyone else.

Hard to tell from just the one shot, but it looks considerably smaller than Voyager, given the very large window on the bridge deck.

This isn’t necessary a bad idea, especially if it gets us away from constant “breaking news” designed to stoke viewership and ad revenue.

Yeeaaah there’s a very real chance that the GOP will try to override the voters again, and no guarantee they will be stopped. Even if I agreed with the premise of this article, Biden’s image management is pretty far down on my priority list right now.

Sadly yes. It was a good movie, but the marketing was anemic—the trailers didn’t have a good “hook” with Idris Elba’s character buried under makeup and hard to understand—and it came out in a crowded summer blockbuster season.

They weren’t fired, but negotiations broke down. Pine and Hemsworth were both guaranteed a certain amount for appearing in Star Trek IV but, when Beyond flopped, Paramount wanted them to work for less.