
Yup. I can remember ten off the top of my head that were actually in one level of development or another. Including ones I forgot, there probably have been more unproduced ideas than actual movies. There was:

Beyond was delightful, but they made a mistake by burying Idris Elba in makeup and making him almost incomprehensible for 99% of the movie. If they’d let him become human again and explain his motivations earlier in the film, it would have made him a more compelling villain and provided more interesting material for

I’ve not read any of GRRM’s work, but is there any reason he couldn’t pass it along to another author (if he was so inclined)?

“Peak early” is my guess.

The Great North is also from the Bobs Burgers producers and is set in Alaska.

Haven’t Central Park yet—I don’t have an Apple TV+ subscription—but the cast albums are amazing. I might have to get a month to binge it.

I really wish streaming services would just post the “leaves on” date on all their content, or at least on content that’s close to departure. In this day and age, with content ping-ponging from one service to another, it would save a lot of consumer anxiety.

I wonder if another contributing factor was that TV/movie productions were probably one of the last workplaces to get serious HR oversight. Putting children in an environment that’s more stressful and exploitative than most office drones (myself included) will ever see is a recipe for disaster.

I only know about this because a bunch of developers from Star Trek: Online (another Cryptic game) were siphoned off or transferred to it over the last couple of years. Hopefully those affected can return to old jobs or find new ones quickly.

Three ANTIFAs dressed in a trenchcoat with a badge!

Yuuuuup. It was Disney.

Let’s make this quick. The bowling alley manager will fire my ass if I don’t have this snack bar open by 11.”

“I’ll let you know. I get livestreams from all of them.

There’s no second Democrat in this race, which probably makes it a lock for Newsom. IIRC, in ‘03 it was basically Grey Davis (D) vs. Cruz Butamante (D) vs. Aaaahnold (R).

Cox’s “Gavin Newsom is the Beauty and I’m the Beast” campaign is just head-scratchingly weird, as I’m reasonably sure those characters are supposed to be fucking by the end of the story.

My initial reaction was that this revelation reflected far worse on Chris Cuomo than CNN in general. If he advised a hostile, “deny everything” stance against credible allegations in one instance, what about others? Can he report objectively on any story regarding sexual assault allegations going forward? If there are

It’s weird how little there is out there about this show, but it was still popular enough to get renewals for seasons 2 and 3.

I’m stunned that DeSantis is considered a viable frontrunner for 2024.

Slightly off-topic, but I’m surprised that slatted/segmented treads aren’t as common as smooth/continuous ones. Aside from Peloton’s death machines, I’ve only ever seen slatted treadmills at one gym, and they were amazing to run on—very easy on the joints. I’m fairly certain they had all the conventional safety