
I agree. Keeping track of my own, much more modest finances and career are stressful. I can’t imagine the amount of thought and work that must go into managing someone on Britney’s scale.

I think your first guess is just about right—people in their 30s who were huge Britney fans back in her heyday. I’m friends with one on Facebook.

Now playing

Should’ve done it in the style of The Office:

It’s also unclear why anyone would need to know this via Twitter, but I guess when one is a self-important billionaire, these sort of things feel necessary to stand on the internet’s street corner and yell about through a megaphone.

If the movie use Avengers: Endgame rules, the past the time travelers visit is not *their* past anymore. It’s a completely separate timeline that will face its own alien invasion at a future date (and will be better prepared for it thanks to the time travelers).

Based on the description, I think they’re using Avengers: Endgame time-travel rules, where each change creates a branching timeline. So, bringing a bunch of future technology to the past would help the past Earth, but do nothing for the future Earth.

These small potatoes explosions are not worthy of God. Where are the tactical nuke gender reveals? Blue/pink mushroom cloud or GTFO.

I expect this will go about as well as Kanye West’s presidential campaign.

Yang would be hilarious if this was a vanity campaign and he didn’t have a real chance of becoming the mayor of one of the most important cities in the U.S.

That’s the point of the podcast—bad processes yield bad results, and most fad diets are bad processes. In the context of the podcast, “eat whatever you damn well please” is more a condemnation of unnaturally restrictive dieting than a call for everyone to eat deep-fried Snickers bars for every meal.

What if it’s Game of Thrones, but real and with TikTokers?

I think it’s all the scenes of Captain America just wandering around the streets of busy European cities, mostly unmolested by crowds despite being in full costume, that gives it more of a TV vibe to me.

Maintenance Phase is a lot of fun and very informative. The Eating Disorders episode, especially the context about eating disorders among larger people, was eye-opening.

Maybe I’ll watch it again when all six parts are out and see if I feel differently.

Yep, that’s what happened: Sam gave up the shield because he didn’t think he deserved it, the military wasn’t just gonna turn around and offer it right back to him. I could argue that Sam was probably a bit foolish and a lot idealistic to think the military would just let something like that sit in a museum for more

Because the black man who had the shield didn’t think he deserved it and gave it back, pretty sure they showed that specifically.

I’m enjoying it so far. Falcon was a character I didn’t really “get” on the Avengers movies (like Hawkeye, his abilities seemed way too limited compared to, say, Iron Man), but that’s changing thanks to this show. That said, unlike most streaming shows, it feels too short to deal effectively with all the issues it

They had him do it again for the first movie and did exactly what you’re suggesting. Made it seem much more perilous.