
Awesome! Now let’s petition to have him barrel roll onto the set at the beginning of each show.

I agree that age is a factor working against him, though I think there’s an argument that having your game show revolve around a single host for decades with no apparent succession plan isn’t the best approach. If Burton has, say, 10 good hosting years in him and does well in his guest spot, I hope they go for it.

I’m surprised pour-over coffee makers aren’t more popular. When combined with an electric kettle and disposable filters, a pour-over is faster and easier to clean than a French Press or percolator and way cheaper than a Keurig.

It sounds like GM was trying to keep your friend’s wife from suing over the exploding sunroof. 

So what I’m hearing is that we should start crowdfunding billboards that are specially designed to troll Autopilot?

Anytime dreck like this gets released, I feel like Simon & Schuster is involved somehow.

If we take him at his word, he could have been trying to make something work with Cassie Randolph at all costs rather than admit to himself that he was gay.

I’m planning an elaborate heist to steal the painting in John Stamos’ attic that’s aging instead of him.

He’s like a millennial Matthew Broderick, but if he can keep getting work, more power to him.

Also, IIRC, Martin’s room has to be adjacent to the living room because the balconies are within arms’ reach of each other.

It’s that last vestige of the old Gawker ethos.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that he bought that house WITH HIS MOM just a couple of years ago.

I don’t know how much press they got, but Darts were infamous among their owners for chronic mechanical issues.

As long as I don’t have to see them.

I hope Costco steps up next and refuses to sell apple pies at any Georgia location. Just to keep up the “everything all-American giving up on Georgia” theme.

like extra-intense Louise, but in general I can’t get through any of the early Bobs Burgers episodes without actively despising at least one of the main characters.

I really enjoyed two of the three most recent episodes of Family Guy. I thought the world had spun off its axis. Usually I get bored after 10 minutes.

The Great North became my instant favorite for its casual queerness. I can’t think of another animated sitcom that does that so effortlessly (maybe Big Mouth? I haven’t seen it in awhile).