
PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.

If you’ve even going to yell at me for wanting to play a character at the start of the match you’ve already set horrible biases for yourself.

You’re applying a blanket stereotype. I main Hanzo, but I play a few characters regularly. I’d much rather see a Hanzo (an actual defense character) on defense than a Tracer or a McCree. I also regularly have gold objective time as Hanzo, so that argument is moot. As for support not deserving blame for a loss?

I don’t think you should direct hate at anyone, ever, in an online game. You’re applying an unbelievably unfair stereotype to a group of people and using that to justify toxicity.

People like you are why I quit playing online multiplayer games. You folks take this shit way too seriously.

Play who ever you want how ever you want XD you pay for the game main who ever XD

The two versions of Zelda being nearly identical besides small changes in loading times and framerate (and being portable on the Switch) makes the situation even more impressive, right? Zelda is just that amazingly good. People are willing to pay $300 just to play the slightly better version. :)

If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?

You are indeed an idiot, glad to see you came around.

This is why the left loses all the fucking time—we demand this kind of ridiculous ideological purity and 100% adherence to all possible issues that affect our broad coalition of leftist/progressive voters at all times. That’s an incredibly stupid, naive way to look at politics, frankly. Did Bernie Sanders fully

Can’t say I disagree with Sanders as it relates to Mello. If the left wants to win, then they actually have to turn an eye away from purity bullisht and toward...y’know...actually getting some points up on the fucking board.

Nah. He’d have gone out and graciously congratulated her, then complimented her and the foundation her family have created, and talk about how he looks forward to working with her in the future. He couldn’t afford to burn that bridge all the way down.

Amateurs; I freak out about money every day.

How are you with her when she is no longer in politics or anything else? As far as I know she is just an old woman living in New York. Get on the Bernie Bus. We’re making a run at 2020.

Remember on election day when all those idiot men at Deadspin said they werent voting or were voting third party or various other dumb shit?

No, because that is some serious #alternativefacts bullshit you’re trying out here. What I do remember is how every single person in that article except one said they were

This is the joke though.

...also infringes on the game’s monetization model. 

all in the name of some buzzwords like ‘diversity’.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?