
This book has been consistently on the ad pages inside other comics for its entire run, which is where the vast majority of comics (even those starring straight white dudes) get advertised.

At that point in the movie they (Resistance Command) didn’t know about the tracking device, believe hyperspace tracking to be impossible, so I think it was worry about leaks as it seemed more likely there was a mole.

It’s becoming Infinity Countdown for a while, that’s all.

Missouri actually spent more time engaged with our own Missouri Civil War than with the rest of the Civil War. The cultural differences between northern and southern Missouri are pretty stark and have been since the state’s inception (source: family in both ends of the state that are perfectly representative of the

Nice list!

This is so cool! I have adored watching her perform in Master of None and can’t wait to see more roles from her.

Civil War II. I’ve defended a lot from Marvel, but I’ve seriously considered putting my CW2 books in the trash can.

None of these are “events”, mostly just miniseries and storyline titles. Honestly just pick some stories that sound cool and go for it.

Exactly. These are all limited series, a storyline in Avengers, single issues, or a story that has been announced without a book attached. Not one is an “event” in the vein of Civil War, Secret Empire, or what have you.

The Generations stories all happened in their own little pocket universe. At the end of GenCap all the characters from the books meet up and find no record of their interactions in the past (or future).

Ughghghghghgh I need Ewing writing a big cosmic book again. Ultimates ending is still hurting me.

This epilogue was perfect. I loved all the little questions like “What’s up with Natasha?” and “What will Emma Frost do next, and will Beast be helping her?” That stuff gets me really excited.

I’m definitely down for this! Mid-December is one of the very few times my very large family can all get together for a movie, and Star Wars is definitely the most important film series to us. It’ll be nice to keep this tradition going for a few more years.

I just can’t drum up care for Venom. It’s a character I haven’t actively enjoyed since I was in middle school. It’s only Charles’s enthusiasm that is convincing me this is worth reading. What else has Okorafor written?

This is the most important of hot takes.

Seeing Charles’ reactions to this series has been a delight. I’m definitely looking forward to reading it once it is on Marvel Unlimited, but after buying most of Secret Empire my comics budget is a little thin.

What’s the biggest difference you’ve had with the mainstream nerd culture (something like thinking Man of Steel was the perfect version of Superman or that Spider-Man 2 is merely okay)?

I would adore Al Ewing taking over Avengers when Waid is done.

This is 100% what I’m looking for.

Sales for this book were consistently awful, which is why it got relaunched after CWII, and led Ewing to say even huge scope and Marvel Universe-changing cosmic storytelling isn’t enough “to bring the boys to the yard” (his words).