Darth Ominus

You won the internet. Forever.

Wasn’t that from Doctor Who!?

I liked Freak Show, but more as mindless entertainment because Jessica Lange was watchable and Evan Peters remains cute. I watched one episode of Hotel - I like vampires, I like gay stuff, but Hotel was just too much for me.
I came back for Roanoke, however, and each episode I’m reluctant to start, yet somehow am

Yes, I found it quite weird myself too. It seems correct though, can’t remember where, though I think at TV-line they had a correspondance with Amy Acker (the jealousy, the jealousy! I picked the wrong job.) and I think also the Writing Messia- ehr, I mean, showrunners, that stated the Machine _did_ pick up her

Thank you. And yes, you are correct - I failed to mention that. I’ll clarify myself better though; I meant with personality to what several reports has been saying (and apparently it’s from Nolan and Plageman themselves) about the Machine having taken both her voice as her mannerisms.

I really thought io9 was better than this. I guess I was wrong..