
Too late. The existence of Netflix on the Xbox already allowed me to cut the cable about three months ago. Say what you will about their movie selection, but Netflix' TV selection is awesome, and it keeps getting better.

We've all been waiting for this since Scotty picked up the mouse on that Mac classic and tried to talk to it.

I wish I had 1/10th of that to throw away on not keeping the hired help around.

Why? Why do they need their own platform? Explain, because all I see is further fragmentation of the marketplace. Which means less compatible apps and more user confusion (for those that don't follow tech blogs, anyway). I have a TouchPad, so I know WebOS is a capable system. It certainly runs circles around the

The trial and error way of finding the "correct" size for a tablet seems to be working great for ya there, Samsung. Y'know there's still many non-whole numbers between 7 and 10. Keep trying!

They don't make good high end cameras that are able to compete in the same space as Nikon and Canon, and their point-and-shoots are very, very generic. This genre of camera is on it's way out anyway, thanks to the advent of the camera phone capable of the same pictures in a smaller package that you always have on you

I go through my mail about once a month. I pay all my bills online, I shop using Amazon, and I don't clip coupons. What the mail good for? Wedding invitations? Maybe? I don't know, although "uncouth" or "scandalous" a Facebook Event invite would make it much easier on both ends. Of course, I also don't understand why

"Sony Ericsson used to be a hugely popular phone maker"

Yup, just you.

They are essentially your e-penis.

How dare they?! You should request your money back.

You're confused, I think.

It's sad that Call of Duty is so popular. I'm not a huge fan of Gears, but I would rather play Gears any day.

The thing is, Samsung and HTC are not being left in the cold. Samsung got the last Nexus device, and they will get the next one as well in a couple weeks. All manufacturers get access to the new versions of Android at the same time. Google doesn't charge any money for Android either. That's not even considering the

The touchpad does have a front facing camera, and doesn't have 3G. Time to fire some interns, guys.

It's caveman speak; eg - Amazon kindle fire! Amazon cook beast on fire! Amazon burn hand.

I'd just be worried about getting sticky from the syrup.

So, how is an "Android" tablet running 2.1, with proprietary software, designed to really only do one thing well (read Kindle books) an iPad competitor? I'm surprised you didn't go with the new tech journalism tradition and call it "The iPad Killer" only to berate it for not getting the job done a week later. I expect

My last point and shoot was a Kodak. Based on it's "Quality", I say let them die.

Google+ is usually relevant. That's what I like about it. My Facebook page, on the other hand... No, I don't care what games you've been playing, or what innane meme has grabbed your current attention, and which you've dubbed "Teh Best Thing Evarz!" this week.