
Yeah, I don't understand why an e-book (and other media) reader must be seen as a competitor to the iPad just because it's a rectangle with a touchscreen on the surface. It's primary focus is not the same as the iPad 2. It can only do about half as much, but when doing those things, it's probably going to be better at

STFU. Seriously.

Nice flame bait, dude.

Too late. I only carry cash if I'm given it by someone who owes me money. Even then, thanks to Square, I can now accept payments in card form. Everything else is done via check card. I don't miss cash at all.

My Droid1 has Gorilla glass, and the screen is flawless. The bezel is beat to hell at this point, and the back is warn down, but the screen is still perfect. The Galaxy Nexus will be my next phone, assuming it gets released, y'know for real. I'm really hoping it stands up.

Other than games, the only app I truly use outside of work on a Windows computer is Chrome. Yes, technically, Android doesn't run Chrome, but...

I'm running Android on mine via cm7. I'd be interested in Windows 8, but: a) I've voided my warranty by installing Android, and b) I don't yet see any inherent advantages to having Windows 8 installed as app support would be even lower than WebOS at this point. That said, I'd still love to try it out.

Good to see that the patent office is making things better instead of worse...wait...

I do listen to music while reading, and I was reading the biography last night (on my Android-running, WebOS tablet, for what it's worth). I've got to say, though, it doesn't work to listen to music with lyrics while reading. The language recognition part of my brain is already in use. It becomes a cacophony of inputs

So, uh, release date and a working link? Or do we just take your word for it?

Purchasing would be nice, but I'm so in love with the interface and access to my music anywhere, that I don't need it. I can buy it on Amazon and take the extra five minutes to upload to GM when I have time.

It's really well-made and it works well. I stream music to many many devices now, and it all works without a hitch.

So, if Android is a ripoff of RIM and Apple's a ripoff of Palm, then why are we arguing. How does this justify frivolous lawsuits? My point remains valid.

Nope, just marketing crap. Can you see the pixels on either screen? No, not really? Well, problem solved then.

Here here.

Obviously, you've never used Android. It's not the same as iOS. Yes, it's a smartphone OS that loads apps. That's about it. Apple borrowed heavily from the Palm OS that ran on palms for a decade before Apple released the iPhone. Android also uses some of those conventions. As for anything that Apple did first that was

Yeah, this should really be done with Chrome for Firefox users too.

No, it doesn't remove Android. Your Android install, and all you apps and such will be intact. The ONLY thing it does is overwrite the boot launcher. You'll have to reinstall Moboot. That's it. Everything else is exactly where and how you left it. You'll have to hook it up to a computer and use Navcom or whatever it's

Upgrade achieved. I had to reinstall the moboot boot loader Afterward, but the Android mod itself and all the apps and data remained where I put them. The cleanup to restore Android to working (or booting) order took a computer and less than five minutes. The WebOS update took forever by comparison.

You'd think Wall Street would have better things to do, especially now, than complain that the most successful company ever didn't make as much money as their magic eight ball said it should have. When I use my divining rod to stir my chicken entrails, I get an estimation that's much more in line with what actually