
I don't like exclusives as a rule, but y'know what? If the response is to pull physical stock from the shelf, well, I guess I have one less reason to ever enter a Barnes and Noble again. I do use a Kindle, which severely curtailed my bookstore use. Now I don't need them at all, unless I want to pay too much for

Video editing comes to mind. I only do amateur videos on YouTube, but storing the raw data in a HQ format for editing eats my 500GB hard drive for breakfast. I don't even edit in 1080p yet. If you do this for a living, I'd guess multiple terabyte drives are in order.

That's kind of what I was thinking the entire time I was watching the Ice Cream Sandwich coverage. It would never run on my Droid 1. Luckily, being a Verizon customer, that particular issue has a silver lining. I Can't wait for November.

It's not pink, it's lightish red.

I just bestowed the power of Android via CyanogenMod on my Touchpad this last weekend. It's really nice to be able to actually use the device. I'll still upgrade the WebOS side, as I can dual-boot it, and I actually still use it for Kindle books as the Android app seems to run rougher for some reason. Everything else

I've noticed a tendency in the tech media to say that the Samsung phones feel flimsy and fragile. Hmm...

You forgot the guy wearing only one part of a costume, such as the guy with the Naruto headband (with t-shirt and jeans), or the guy carrying around a keyblade (with t-shirt and jeans).

They are different shapes! The touchpad is a widescreen aspect ratio. Without the screen on, they both look like a tablet that's not on, yes. A black rectangle. There's not a lot you can do about that.

It takes longer to say grenade than it does to just press the button. This also doesn't seem like something you would need the kinect sensor to do. Hopefully this is a non-issue; a feature no one will bother to use. Otherwise, I'm just not looking forward to having yet another reason to have to mute people on XBL.

It's pretty obvious if you actually use the device, though. Which is what should matter. Tablet computers are meant to be held and used, not viewed from across a room. Android isn't similar enough to iOS that it would be mistaken for it upon turning on the screen. Similar products look similar. It's the way things

about 18 months from now.

Yes, we get it. You have an ill-explained and completely unjustified hatred of Google+. I'm sorry you are unable to make friends outside of your Facebook "friends", but there's nothing wrong with competition. It's already made your beloved Facebook better. Go write a review for a Japanese toilet, or something. Report

@The Werewolf

Y'know rather than trolling the posts you don't like, why don't you go read something you do like.

I know it's been done in jest already, but I would love to have it sound like Glados, or possibly HAL. Maybe Eddie the shipboard computer. Yeah, any sci-fi AI would be interesting, provided they could include the attitude with the voice.

They are different form factors, they have different OS's, and they each have unique capabilities due to software and apps available via their platforms. I believe they are what we call in the business "competitors." Coke can't sue Pepsi for making Cola flavored soda.

I think Google scared them back inside their rabbit hole.

IF you want an invite, I have several available. I just need an email address, but I'm not sure how you would get it to me without one of us revealing private information to the world.

Or you could wait *GASP* and get it in a week, no problems.

CW has shows?