
People in the comments seem to be really confused about what Net Neutrality does. It stops, for instance, AT&T from blocking Verizon's website. That's protection of our ability to make choices, not the other way around. The government isn't creating their own ISP. You have no proof. Don't bother trying.

[Citation Needed]

There's a few letters in the alphabet they haven't yet tried to add to the naming scheme yet. I'm holding out for the UDNBDFBBYFKBLNUFBYVFWWQLAGFDKG... screens.

This has everything to do with the Droid Nexus whatever phone coming to Verizon from Samsung imminently. That said, it's still a good thing. This lawsuit is a frivolous cash-grab from a company that USED to be willing to innovate their way forward. What happened Apple?

I must be the only happy Netflix member in existence, or something. What's wrong with you people? It's $8 a month. The price of ONE movie in the theater. They have a multitude of TV shows, and their movie selection is still formidable. Yes, Starz added some good content, but they aren't the only ones. I don't remember

I can only assume that given an infinite amount of time, those monkeys would evolve into a species capable of writing things like Shakespeare. The exact works, though...

Why is this an issue? At all.

No, their sales people don't know anything about the electronics they sell, however, if you want a decent TV at the cheapest price outside of a Black Friday sale, go to Walmart. DO your research ahead of time and choose a brand and features that fit your needs. You'll save money as long as you aren't one of the

Not yet, wait for the screens to get up into the 5-6" range like it's rumored they might. Then we'll have come full circle.

I love the mock support in order to push their own ridiculous "spend less to gain more" agenda. Yeah, the DOJ needs to spend more time and resources on the cell phone companies' merger and less time badgering Google.

See, HP's hardware was always their strength. I've been happy with both HP laptops I've owned, and woefully disappointed with the Dell I bought in between. HP printers are the default industry standard. I own one of their laser printers myself. It's not flashy, but it prints; which cannot be said of the 5 or 6 ink

Both arguments are actually true. Yes, Google links to it's own products first, BECAUSE they tend to be the best. Google Maps kicks everyone's ass, same with Gmail. Google, being impartial in travel, is likely to give you a link to the best price for airfare. If they can find a better price than Expedia can, guess

Microsoft just made, what, like 4 peoples' day.

Cell phones are still brick shaped.


Hey, at least they have similar tastes in bad acting.

If it's just that one lady packaging all our orders, I guess I could understand her issue.

Yeah, complainers have been pissing me off since the price change. For less than the price of one movie in the theater per month, you get as much Netflix as you can watch. Same with Qwikster (I feel dirty having typed that). Take it and laugh, cause it doesn't really get any better.

Yes, but who will be attached to the other side, so that the rotors remain balanced?

I disagree that Windows 95 was bad. New and completely different, yes. Untested because of that, yes. Still usable, yes.