
It is too bad that Rock Band couldn't find a home in Japan, as that's where the original inspiration for the entire genre came from, but it's understandable. They don't really have a hole that needs filling, and "enlightening" them with our "superior" Western music, wouldn't be the direction from which to approach

It is not your opinion, but your inability to express it like a rational human being that offends. Why bother listening to your opinion, when its presentation has already told us everything we need to know about you?

I don't want to troll, but I really don't like this. It looks supremely unplayable. Also, why bother making it a Super Mario clone. It's an interesting technological achievement. I wouldn't know where to start trying to make something like this, but, why not make it an original work?

It's a shame, but I haven't been using Netflix' disc service in more than a year, so I'm not affected by this. I do think changing the name to something unknown, and frankly, kind of shady or cheap sounding, is a terrible idea. Why kill off brand loyalty to separate the business irrevocably? There must be more to this

The first place my mind goes is the Truman Show. After that, it almost immediately dwells in Donnie Darko territory. There's a geek reference in everything, i guess.

I agree with this article. I was planning on getting an iPad, but my thrifty Touchpad purchase put that off for a bit. Now, having seen a review video and several demos for Windows 8, I'm digging it. Incidentally, full disclosure, I'm a Windows user, and an Android fanboy.

So...don't upgrade? Run Windows 7, or hell, XP as long as you want. Nothing is making you use any of the features in Windows 8.

There's no way that picture is an actual LAN party. First off, way too many Macs. Are they playing only Blizzard and Steam titles? Secondly, the PC's present appear to be netbooks.

Oh, I don't know. My phone is awfully cellular. I'm constantly wiping off excess skin flakes that get in every nook and cranny during use. It's kind of disgusting, actually, but unavoidable, none the less.

I just bought a Touchpad during the fire-sale. Before that I was planning on getting an iPad with the next iteration. Now, I'm liking the looks of the Windows tablet. I never thought I would be saying that. GAH! Too many decisions. The weirdest part? I'm a huge Android phone fan, but I'm not really sparked by any of

Wait for the Droid Prime is what you're telling me then?

QNX BlackBerries Being Rushed Out (MEH!) Without Real Email/Calendar (ZZZZZZZZ!!)

QNX BlackBerries Being Rushed Out (MEH!) Without Real Email/Calendar (ZZZZZZZZ!!)


Well son, when 40 million Americans hate each other very very much, they get together to pay way too much for internet dialup service. The result is an AOL. Then, when broadband takes away their subscribers, AOL's scratch out a living by buying random "news" agencies and misleading and incorrect dedicated content

To get Android. I don't use my phone only to play games.

People need to stop referring to 4.3 as big. It's pretty much the standard size if you want a big boy smartphone these days. That said, manufacturer's: bigger-is-better has an upper cap. Do not cross, as no one will buy. We still need our mobile phones to be, y'know, mobile.

Um. Duh? After that amount of time, it moves from the top of everyone's feed.

Yeah, giving up 25% of T-Mo to get the deal passed. It'll be 25% of the company that would have been liquidated anyway due to overlapping jobs and resources in the new makeup of the company. Please don't fall for something so completely useless, DOJ. This doesn't stop them from eliminating competition, it just gives

I feel kind of sorry for the guy with his hand up Kenny Rogers.