
I'm really happy to see people making camera apps that actually add functionality now. Being able to make pictures sepia, or look like a Warhol piece are completely useless to people wanting to take photos, y'know, that look like photos. I'm very sick of the post-processing boom in camera apps. Thanks for making


I don't disagree, as I saw it in 3D on opening night, and 2D the next day. The movie was more watchable, as a means to convey a story, without the effects. I won't ever bother to see it in 3D again.

I'm not an Apple fanboy. To date, having replaced my iPod with an Android phone, I own no Apple products. I say this to put the gravity of my next statement in context. Steve really is a visionary of the computer industry. His pipe-dream-ish comments that pretty much describe the internet in startling detail is truly

I'm in love with Google+, and I'll tell you why. I'm a geek. All of my friends are geeks. We're all already moved to Google+. You know what's missing. The noise that makes finding the signal on other social networks hard to manage. It's not revolutionary, it's not new, it's very LIKE Facebook, but it's better, because

UH, any combination of these services that would come close to actually equaling Netflix would cost you much more than your "outrageous"** Netflix subscription.

I'm just worried that we'll get the raw end of the deal, and console gaming will turn into a monopoly. Nintendo makes money hand over fist, but they aren't actually playing in the same sandbox with Sony and Microsoft. Almost no cross-platform games have ACTUAL ports to the Wii that fully resemble the products on the

NO, it still sucks. It's about as buggy as the Android Words with Friends is.

Non-issue. Moving on.

So why did they go after HTC rather than Google, then? I think it's deplorable that they went after the small guys not because they were unique to the situation in any way, but because their lawyers have had haircuts that cost more than HTC's retainers.

I'm not against customizing, but if you feel the need to keep your gender private on a social network you need to do some serious pruning in your circles. You get to pick who sees your stuff. If this causes you to interact with people who would treat you differently because of your sex, please, re-evaluate your choice

Anybody who thinks that $16 a month is some variant of an outrage needs to look at the price of their cable bill, or the price they pay to see a movie in the theater, or how much renting one movie at Lackluster costs. I've been streaming only since it was offered. There's much more content than people seem to think

This is really unfortunate considering that Rovio only makes one game (that anybody's heard of). They may repackage it every so often, but it's the same game. I like it a lot, but still. Popcap has made many games, several of which were fairly famous (Bejewelled, Peggle, Zuma, PvZ), and they continue to innovate and

Um, no...Rovio made Angry Birds, Zynga made farmville. Thanks for playing.

You'd still have to kidnap the boyscout, though.

HOw 'bout we worry about the business world's obsession with the fax machine. Almost every business still has one, the technology hasn't been updated in decades, and PDF's, email, zip files, and cloud storage should have killed this thing years ago. Still, it soldiers on. Sigh.

Cash Graaaaab!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the pain is caused by the sun cooking your skin. Sun. Burn. It's really quite simple.

I use it as a Netflix box on a tv that isn't HD. Other than that....well, maybe some day the new Zelda will come out.

So, Youtube would become Google Video....wait a second.