
It's a good thing they warned me, otherwise I would have purchased the game, enjoyed the hell out of a great game, and laughed BECAUSE IT"S A F'ing JOKE! Oh wait, I did.

That's okay, Fable III buyers feel like their time and money has been stolen too.

Then don't pay for it. There. Problem solved.

Short answer: Stop downloading porn from the badly designed site with all the popups.

White surface? Is it big enough for a portal? Okay, what color was my last one?

Anyone who's ever played Halo on XBL in modes other than slayer has seen console gamers completely unable to play team objective gameplay firsthand.

I had just signed up for Amazon Cloud Player, and I was severely disappointed by it. Playlists have a 2000 song limit, and creating playlists in the first place on their service is akin to using flint to start a fire. Amazon: We have much better ways of doing these things now. Look into it.

How about those of us who want to be audiophiles, but can't afford it. Nothing for $50 or less? Come on.

Often - They often don't talk. Of course there are ones that do.

Please stop reposting this article. They've been beating this particular dead horse forever. They've done Link, Samus (who did talk in Other M, look how that worked out..:/), even Master Chief - who does speak, just not much. The answer is always "to make your actions as the character more immersive" or something to

People's varying music tastes are actually part of the magic. As long as you don't have any friends who refuse to play a song because a hipster crawled up their butt and died, it'll help everyone broaden their perspective a little. I've found entire genres of music I'd previously written off via my friends wanting to

Specifically looking at games as art, the visual style of Super Mario World 2 was very distinctive. It looked like it was drawn entirely in crayon. Mario already has practically the best showing on the list, I know, but this one is something I didn't really see anywhere else.

Maybe his Xbox was just protesting his crappy game. I'm a FF fan from way back, and finishing XIII was a chore. I was really hopeful for some small twinge of nastolgia. Nope, just crap.

Prove it.

Go make some friends. The secret to Rock Band is playing with others. Playing by yourself does get boring. Playing with others on the other hand... I've been having weekly RB night at my house every friday for the better part of two years. The DLC keeps it fresh for everyone.

You are everything, in a nutshell, that is truly wrong about fandom. Hint: It DOESN'T matter.

Here's the thing. This game made me physically ill while playing it. On the N64 the framerate was too low, and the graphics were too jumpy. I have a motion-sickness problem. over the years, it's made itself known in smaller instances for games such as Assassin's Creed and Mirrror's Edge. It was never as bad as I had

I wholeheartedly agree with the entire premise of this article. Portal, perhaps more than most any other game for me personally, is really about joy. The ellation I feel when I solve a difficult puzzle, the revelation of story elements that is so finely tuned in Portal, the blatant humor that drips from every phrase

I don't think a small run of OoT for the the 3DS is a bad idea, but not for the reason stated. THe thing is, the 3DS isn't yet selling like Nintendo portables usually do. I don't think a port of even one of the most (undeservedly) loved games ever would be enough to turn these numbers around right away. Everyone I've