
I'd just like to mention, yes I hate the ribbon in MS Office too, but for a touch interface, it makes much more sense that menus. I welcome it to an OS running on tablets. Running it on a computer, I'd be very tempted to turn it off, though.

I was apparently in one of the test markets, as I've been renting games from Red Box for about a year. It's useful to me for games that I only intend to play through once, which will take me a week or less (about 20 hours in-game) to beat. Then it costs me a total of $14 dollars, which is reasonable versus buying the

No 4G? Yes, I realize that the thunderbolt exists, but I don't want to pay $250 for it if I don't have to. Unfortunately, I'm only at my 13-month pricing availability, which means no 3rd party deals, only VZW corporate will recognize I'm eligible for an upgrade. Otherwise, I'd get the Thunderbolt from Amazon for $180.

Cause it's funny.

I don't buy the premise. Nintendo will be first out of the gate this time. Like the 360 was this gen, and the PS2 was last gen. The other consoles will follow, and they will be considered to be in the same generation as the Wii2. A gap of two years isn't unheard of, nor is the concept of a technology gap.

It saddens me to see the passing of the "what's what" baton in computer technology. Yes, Intel, and Microsoft, are still kings of desktop. They are seriously phoning in (haHA pun) their mobile offerings. Unfortunately, they are doing it old-school, as they know how, and this means they are being charged exhuberant

All they really want to do is move the copy protection out one level. Make it part of the system rather than part of the song. DRM free is an illusion.

Moot point, as all people that have the tenacity to download a song rather than pay extra to have it come stored on an perfectly up to date and worthwhile media (8 track? That's state of the art, right?) is obviously a criminal and should be hung upside down by their own unmentionables. Back in my day we had sheet

Dutch guilder didn't post shit. His comment was the obvious and inevitable convergence of several wrong assumptions.

This man is obsessed with Buicks. Kindle didn't make that ad, you did. Otherwise, I agree that I would be much more tempted if the discount were substantial. For me, spending the price of a Kindle is a decision I would have already done (probably) days of mental preperation, so a miniscule discount that comes with

I have an answer for him, but first I'd like to know why he's acting like a 3rd grader. It's not like he's in Congress or something.

AHHH! The government is shutting down due to too much red tape in the budget! Quick, wrap everyone up in this red tape I just found. That'll fix it!

The $50 unlimited, with a a $30 data plan, would still be cheaper than my 2-year deal with a smartphone per month, but I can only assume you have to pay out-of-contract price for the handset, which, for the decent 'Droids or the iPhone is around $600. That means over two years, at a relative savings of $20 per month,

Giz uses this whenever they are linking to someone else's content. I'm happy they don't try to step on others toes by reposting their entire work, and instead jsut give us the link. At the same time, they need the click data, telling them that x number of people checked out this link. That gives them both volume for

Connecting to a Gopher client using a 2400 modem via a "borrowed" username and password of the father of one of my friends who worked for the University of Wisconsin. I was also terribly fond of BBS's as long as they had a local number, so my parents didn't notice the charges. Later, I did have my own AOL account,

I'm listening to iWoz right now on Audible. Excellent "read" incidentally, for anyone interested much more in the actual science of inventing the home computer market, versus the load of bull politics that accompanied it. Sight unseen, I can only guess this book will be more about the latter. I'll still buy it,

That is a scary good Ahsoka. Wow!

Consumers are apparently no longer willing to do the leg work, according to developers. All they'd really have to do is put a disclaimer on the game that says, "You must have [hardware stats] to play this game, just like every PC game ever does. They could even automate it, and have it detect what you've got when you

I'm one of those people who reads in the the oddest positions imaginable before bed. As a result, hardcovers are nigh unreadable in a "comfortable" position, and paperbacks do that springing closed thing unless you break the spine, so Kindle books on my phone have been a godsend. I've read more since getting my Droid

Unless I'm very much mistaken, he sold Tech TV to G4. He should be strung up by his toes and forced to watch every episode of Attack of the Show. Everything else he's ever done pales in comparison.