
@Xagest: Are you just jealous, or...what? Why does it matter that they type with only two fingers if they are fast and proficient while doing it. If it works, they don't need to fix it. You on the other hand need to ask for a life transplant next time you see your doctor. Yours has obviously atrophied, and been

As the article states, Verizon has been running Android devices jsut fine for more than a year. Nothing makes the iPhone different from Android with respect to the tax ont he data network. Question: moot.

Here's my take. EVERY smartphone released these days is woefully behind the times 6 months later. My Droid feels ancient when I use my friend's Galaxy S. The Droid was the thing to have at this time last year. Oh well, I'll be getting a new one in a year, and I can deal with that. If you have the luxary of

@Hooray4Zoidberg: NO, they don't. My Droid is running vanilla Android 2.2. They want me to pay for tethering, but the option is in the menu, where it belongs. The post you linked had come out before the update. It turned out to be false. Also, there are readily available apps that allow tethering for free.

@N7: Nope, just to the point.

@BoomingEchoes: Yes, this is xactly what I was about to post.

This molecule was sponsored by NBC.

OKay, one problem. Won't the iPhone five be coming fairly soon-ish? If Verizon announces an iPhone now, it would obviously be the 4, so people will buy the 4 then 4-5 months later, the iPhone 5 will come out, but those people will be stuck with the 4 for 2 years. You'd think they would want to wait and sync up the

Waste of money.

The light lounge-jazz doesn't really fit calssic Nintendo at all. There are much better covers ALL over YouTube.

My Xbox is hooked up through component out. I still get 1080p, and it looks fantastic. I tried HDMI, but it doesn't work with my sound system, as older Xbox's don't export the sound in surround through HDMI for no adequattely explained reason. I do use HDMI for three other devices, though, and it is nice having

@harrismi: Yeah, I live about a mile from the Willy Street Co-op in Madison, where they make Chad Vader. I never see Chad there, though.

OKay, I want one, but I'd like to know ahead of time what random hardware failure I'm going to be returning it for in a few months. Seriously, I have a 4 people on my family share plan. Three of them started this contract with Motorola phones. Two Droids and a dumbphone of some sort. My Droid had the earphone jack

Anything at all for Android would be nice.

I'm in love with gift cards. I read Gizmodo, therefore it is perfectly safe to assume that a gift card to Besy Buy is exactly what I want on any occassion, and will never want for use. If you don't know that, however, the visa gift cards that spend like a credit card are a great option. EVERYONE who has any

@Obi-Haiv: Verizon pays for the word Droid, not Motorola. There are two Droids made by HTC.

So, to grade this on the curve of this guys love of the first movie compared with mine, my review of the second movie is as follows, and I quote: meh.

7" inches is too small.

Everyone is so worked up about Wikileaks, but really what has it told us? No one who waxes intellectual about it has actual browsed its contents. Does it tell us who killed Kennedy? Does it tell us the incredible conspiracy theory behind 9/11? Not so much. It shows us how boring government documents really are.

So, to summarize, the terrorists DON'T want us to find the bombs prematurely? Really? I never would have guessed that. Yes, our current measures are woefully inadequate. They aren't going to stop trying new things, neither should we.