
@Jacobm001: They're not really in the way, or overly obtrusive, though. The concept is, you don't have to scroll to find one. You can post or like it, wherever you are on the page, when you decide you want to. Whether you've just clicked ont he link, or you've just finished reading it, sharing it with FB friends is

@Gorbishganoid: I'm an avid FF fan from way back. I've played all through almost every American released FF game starting with FFI to completion on their original systems. I played FF XIII hoping to spark the nostalgia twinge for these titles. What I got instead was not a classic JRPG, and yet had no redeemable

There's no check box for "Realize that some people should continue to live in the dark ages, and not bother with technology, cause they're never going to get it." I know more than one person who has asked me for help that should be legally required to select that option.

You. I hate you. On Facebook.

Hey, I like to share things I find fascinating on Facebook. I gurantee you I've brought traffic to Gawker sights using the very buttons you abhor. It's not like they pop up when you run your cursor over them, like the new most annoying trend ever. Seriously, get over it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the original Droid is running vanilla Android also. There's a Verizon tab in the store, but there's no Moto Blur, or whatever they call it now. Also, as far back as 2.0 at least (didn't own an earlier phone) Gmail and Maps were seperate apps that could be updated standalone. Also,

So, if they get better gas mileage (2.5 more GPM), are safer (unarguably), more comfortable (ever been in a 1990 Corolla?), and less cheap looking; WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Slow news day? Or, I'm guessing, the idea for the article didn't pan out once it was realized there was a reason for the "bloat", but they went

Anybody who's played Final Fantasy XIII knows that FF games do commit crimes.

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite trailer for Mass Effect 3.


You can make phone calls on a smartphone? What, is there an app for that, or something?

@Weakskills: We Android people had to wait about a year for the good stuff to start flowing app-wise. We still don't have any Popcap love. You'll have to wait your turn now.

I feel a rash of WWF to PDF converters coming on...

Actually, the future of (good) music rythym games is coming out in March. It looks something like this.

@AngryEddy: You know what they say. If the opposite of pro is con, then the opposite of progress is ...

This is seriously hilarious.

This is one of the best examples of hating something just because it's popular. Is it, in any way, hard to understand or read? That's all you need out of a font. Who cares? I mean really? Go back to your lives, (as obviously intensly boring as they must be) citizens.

For the love of music games and all that is holy, please just kill the damn franchise.

Actually, when the beta tag is attached is exactly when you should complain. See, we want to fix it in beta, so it's not such a big problem later.

Apple does have a knack for designing gorgeous things way outside the box. It is also true that I sincerely doubt about Google's ability to design themselves out of a cardboard box, even using Google Navigation (which is a pretty program, but still).